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Results From Big-3 Upgrade

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Well the good news is my voltage at idle went from 13.50 Volts to 14.54 Volts (even at the battery in the back). I think a whole volt increase is damn good if you ask me.

The other good news is that the bass has more energy. I just FEEL it.

Now the bad news....my amp runs into clipping super fast with the volume knob relatively low.

Now before you say that I need to turn my gains down, you should know that I have a BX-10.

It lights up when it's trying to eliminate distortion and re-construct the bass signal.

These lights never came on (unless I turn it up REAL loud) until now. This tells me that I am getting a clipped signal going to the BX-10.

I have a Sony explode H/U (4V output) and a Clarion EQS746 (7V output) after it.

Now, I'm guessing that the big 3 upgrade helped my H/U and EQ put out a higher voltage than what was originally being sent...which may be distorted.

I wanna know what you guys think could be wrong. I am going to turn down the level on the EQ to see if that helps.

Also, my bass is punchier but doesn't quite have that low rumble I'm used to....why is that?

Thanks in advance for your help guys.

Edited by Dale
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Mine did the same thing..My bass when it hits the low notes doesn't have the kick that it did..,,But it feels like they are moving stronger. Moving more air. My voltage at my amp in the rear is at 14 volts. I just need a bigger amp...

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Ok so the good news is that I found the problem. The bad news is that I have to rebuild my enclosure because it's damaged. What I thought was distortion was actually

a "mechanical" port noise from one enclosure. I took the sub out it plays nice and clean in mid air...but while in the box (screwed), that noise occurs again. I'm just gonna

build another box and be done with it.

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Actually, to be more precise, a terminal was loose in the subwoofer enclosure....that is why it was making that noise. That was actually the noise of current "jumping" due to a loose connection. BUT, I still don't hear that low rumble i use to hear before I did the big 3. And my lights still dim (probably more), I am just really confused right now. i need a hug

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Recheck all your setting man, it sounds like maybe your phase,eq,subsonic or low-pass filters may have been disturbed somehow. Also, some amps can be picky with a higher voltage.

I'd also check the input sensitivity on the amp, and output from the deck. Re-do it all!

No Hug here, just a pat on the back saying "You can do it!" B)

4 15" FI Q D2's in 12 cubes tuned to 32hz

1- T1000.1bd's

3 Maxx 29 deep cycles

4 runs of 1/0 gauge

-Big 3

-Trunk sealed off from the cabin

Custom 15.8 dual-volt switching MLA module

All in a CAR.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So yeah, it turns out that one of my subs was the problem. For some odd reason there was some cancellation....even if the connections were reversed. Soooo i sold it. lol. Everything's perfect now. I have that low rumble I had before, even with one sub. I can turn it up as loud as I want...with minimal distortion or dimming. The big-3 helped.

Thanks for the replies and sugesstions guys. 'Preciate it.

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