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Does our government prey on our weaknesses?

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I ask the question because of our overwhelming distribution of unhealthy habits. Now we all know that everyone in the world has their own little unhealthy habits, but why do we keep that habit when we know it isnt healthy?

For better comprehension of my point i will give you a small scale analogy.

Guy hangs out with a group of boys, the group smokes cigarrettes.

Guy wants to quit but finds its hard because cigarrette smoking is in his enviorment, its always a temptation.

(Guy begins to understand that temptation is a weakness and it is very easy to fall into something that is tempting.)

So to quit the guy removes himself from the group, therfore removing the problem from his life, and now he wont have to worry about fighting the temptation because its not there.

You see how he solved that problem by cuttin the roots. Not saying itll be a cake walk quitting, but saying itll be alot easier without the temptation.

Now a larger scale view, more to the point.

Cigarette addiction is a problem in the united states.

Continuous cigarette smoking leads to health issues.

Health issues arent taken care of because of the lack of supplys to cover the mass of health issues.

So america decides to change its health plan to give more help to those suffering from health issues.

(Ask yourself, is our government changing our health plan to better suit us or to better suit the problem were becoming?)

Can you see how america fails to solve this problem? By trimming the leaves instead of cutting the roots your only settling the problem for a little margin of time, the problem will still grow and become worse. Cut the roots and kill the plant.

But i dont believe im the only one who sees this. I believe our government knows of this problem but they still feed on the weakness because they know its almost impossible for us to quit. If the government really cared about our health they wouldnt allow this monopoly of unhealthy acts to continue. The people have been swallowing this problem for a long while. its time stop igoring the main issue and time to stop falling for such weak temptations. If our government cannot see this fact and handle it appropriatly then what the fuck is the point of even having the government?


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How would the Gov't cut the roots to said problem instead of just trimming it??

To cut the roots you would have to take out the easy access to these unhealthy habits.

Ex. McDonalds, Burger King, and KFC are a few of the biggest contributers to Americas obesity problem. Americas obesity problem puts stress onto Americas health care. Instead of trying to change our health care to better suit unhealthy America why not change the reason why America is unhealthy.

Change these places into healthy establishments. Use the same workers but change the idea of getting fatty foods faster to the idea of getting healthy foods easier. Making a change like this would bring better health to the society which would take the weight off of our health care, also it would shoot a boost into the farmers to grow more veggies and fruits which would mean they would need more resources. So they go to the store and buy seeds and materials to grow and as they purchase things our economy begins to grow(as long as we keep the dollar in America)and the population becomes healthier. Theres so much more too it and soo many more things that can be achieved this way but i gotta get back to work, ill hit this again later.

Edited by ryde2idie


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You start trying to control what people eat or put into their bodies (ciggarettes) and you are taking away their freedoms to choose.

System tear out has begun...Out with the old

i have a iq of 128 i graduated at the top of my class tell me how im reatrded you are the 1 thats dumb as hell you can't even spell

Look at the underlined text hahahahahahahaha

I think of it as the virgin losing the virginity technique

not just jumping in to it, and pounding away, but going at it slowly over time, to get to that full extreme


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And to the titel of topic,

we all prey or act to the weaknes from ourself and each other. For myself, my family have a buisness in healthcare and i know over 95 % of human dieyn on

sickness or accidents, the other 5 % dieyin on debility/weakness of body. Sorry my english is to bad to tell what realy happen. The one i can tell is, that in the last 70 years the average age of human grow over 20 years. This is to life 1 generation longer. And population from the world grows in the last 150 years for

600 % in 50 years 900 %. In my oppinion thing for humans to do is to grow the age of human till they normaly dieyn on debillety or accident not from sickness. Than we can conquer the bad of human temptation in itself. The end from a normal human body in handle with care is 100 - 120 years says the scientist.

Sry for my bad english and maby u can not understand what i know and what i want to say. Keep care of urs and ur own

"in the abundance of water, the fool is thirsty" Bob Marley

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Giving the government more control isn't the answer, then they will simply choose which vice they want us to rely on. It's all a control game, and the government and companies are fighting for control. There will always be someone in power. Some places have an easy to see emperor or monarch, others, such as in capitalistic societies, are not so obvious. It is our job to enjoy our lives as much as possible and stand up for our natural rights as much as possible.

A vitrolic, megalomaniacal sadistic psychopath.

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Why did u think so small, if u think over the whole world. Why did hunger can kill in masses since 12.000 Years.

Killing is temptation as well

And to the titel of topic,

we all prey or act to the weaknes from ourself and each other. For myself, my family have a buisness in healthcare and i know over 95 % of human dieyn on

sickness or accidents, the other 5 % dieyin on debility/weakness of body. Sorry my english is to bad to tell what realy happen. The one i can tell is, that in the last 70 years the average age of human grow over 20 years. This is to life 1 generation longer. And population from the world grows in the last 150 years for

600 % in 50 years 900 %. In my oppinion thing for humans to do is to grow the age of human till they normaly dieyn on debillety or accident not from sickness. Than we can conquer the bad of human temptation in itself. The end from a normal human body in handle with care is 100 - 120 years says the scientist.

Sry for my bad english and maby u can not understand what i know and what i want to say. Keep care of urs and ur own

so your saying we should only allow things that do not shorten the life of a normal human?


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Giving the government more control isn't the answer, then they will simply choose which vice they want us to rely on. It's all a control game, and the government and companies are fighting for control. There will always be someone in power. Some places have an easy to see emperor or monarch, others, such as in capitalistic societies, are not so obvious. It is our job to enjoy our lives as much as possible and stand up for our natural rights as much as possible.

Heres what i dont understand, why do we seperate ourselfs from the government? We voted them in right? We the people gave them the power they have. And i wish i could enjoy my life but that 5% paycut i get every week because of the bad economy kinda pisses me off.


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