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Thomas Jefferson may have known what he was talking about. He was one of the founding fathers. Let's see what he had to say:

"A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference. "

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."

"Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you. "

"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have. "

"I own that I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive."

"Never spend your money before you have earned it. "

"That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves. "

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. "

I get the strange feeling that Jefferson had NO love of government. Seems to me that the power of the individual is what he and the rest of the founding fathers stood for. I think he helped start us off on the right foot.... somewhere down the line is where the problem is. Government is not the answer. Obama thinks it is. That is not what this country was founded on. So- he ran on "CHANGE" Change to what? Change from what? We were established to be a FREE nation. A democracy. Capitalist. So.... let's "Change" that to: an oppressed nation, a tyranny, socialism? That is the opposite isn't it?

12 - 12"s in the STAY PUFT 1989 Chevy Astro

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You have a beard of a mysterious sea captain. I would follow you to hell and back.

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Have you ever listened to any of Obama's many speeches? One of his favorite things to do is blame the Bush administration.

And here's a direct quote from Joe Biden...

"I am very optimistic about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration."

Also taking credit for the troop withdrawal that was designed long before Obama took office...

"You're going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You're going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government."

And you dont think the mortgage crisis, money to big businesses, HUGE debt from fronting two wars and lowering taxes (and more than I care to list) aren't Bush's fault? I don't believe it was all his fault nor do I blame Obama. I blame our govt as a whole, not an individual because, again, one person cannot be solely responsible, but the Bush admin had more crap happen on their watch while the Repubs had the majority of control.

Oh and Biden isn't the smartest cookie. I think Obama chose him so it wouldn't make him as much a target. LoL. I mean who would you rather have, Obama or Biden? :unsure:

And with your last quote..what does that have to do with anything?



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And you dont think the mortgage crisis, money to big businesses, HUGE debt from fronting two wars and lowering taxes (and more than I care to list) aren't Bush's fault? I don't believe it was all his fault nor do I blame Obama. I blame our govt as a whole, not an individual because, again, one person cannot be solely responsible, but the Bush admin had more crap happen on their watch while the Repubs had the majority of control.

Oh and Biden isn't the smartest cookie. I think Obama chose him so it wouldn't make him as much a target. LoL. I mean who would you rather have, Obama or Biden? :unsure:

And with your last quote..what does that have to do with anything?

I have never said Bush had no part in it. He was a big spender too. But Obamma has exponentially increased the problem. And it is only getting worse.

And the last quote is just another example of Obamma politics....they blame Bush for everything only up until the point where they can take credit for something he did. Barry promised to bring home the troops knowing full well that the plans for withdrawing from Iraq had already been made.

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Talkin' about spending money!!! Obama in his first 12 months has spent more money than Clinton's last 4 years and Bush's entire 8 years COMBINED.


Edit for Linky:

See the whole write up at The Heritage Foundation's website.


12 - 12"s in the STAY PUFT 1989 Chevy Astro

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You have a beard of a mysterious sea captain. I would follow you to hell and back.

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Damn! I just now got that. :facepalm:

Ok... that was damn funny. :D

12 - 12"s in the STAY PUFT 1989 Chevy Astro

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Chevy Trailblazer 5.1 Dolby Digital DTS Install

You have a beard of a mysterious sea captain. I would follow you to hell and back.

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I love how people complain about the funding of 2 wars. All the people complaining about this is too young or didn't pay attention in history class.

The year was 1941. The US was attacked during peace time and we lost 2400 american lives that one morning. We went to war on 2 fronts, which is basically the same thing we are doing now. Nobody complained, hell, everybody banded together to do what ever they could to help.

In contrast....

The year was 2001. The US was attacked during peace time and we lost over 3000 american lives that one morning. We went to war on 2 fronts. Everybody bitched and moaned.

I guess the people of today have different priorities than the people back then.

97 Maxima SE

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I love how people complain about the funding of 2 wars. All the people complaining about this is too young or didn't pay attention in history class.

The year was 1941. The US was attacked during peace time and we lost 2400 american lives that one morning. We went to war on 2 fronts, which is basically the same thing we are doing now. Nobody complained, hell, everybody banded together to do what ever they could to help.

In contrast....

The year was 2001. The US was attacked during peace time and we lost over 3000 american lives that one morning. We went to war on 2 fronts. Everybody bitched and moaned.

I guess the people of today have different priorities than the people back then.

I love how history repeats itself. Either somebody didn't make the correlation or didn't notice....

The date was September 26, 1959 at which we began a 15 year war, which neither could be won or lost. This war took the lives of almost 60,000 American soldiers. The war started because the US had a desire to poke its nose in Vietnam's business and try to change the leader's desire to create a communist society.

Well, I have to ask... Why do we worry about what another country does within its borders if it doesn't affect us? In contrast, I ask... How do we win this war? What opportunities were lost because of the war?

We were attacked by a militia group within a country, not the country itself. We were given false hope that there was 'weapons of mass destruction' within the borders of the country. We were told the war would end shortly after it began.

So I ask you, what's the point of a military industrial complex? We create war, we increase the profits of those with ties to the white house.

So I ask, where would we be today, had we just tightened our borders, not fought a war out of false hatred and false hopes, and not try to change the government in other countries? Would we be in debt right now? Would we have been attacked again? Would the damage done equate to the almost $100,000,000,000? Would those that have been killed from the attacks have equated to somewhere around the ballpark of 10,000 dead, 100,000 wounded? Kinda hard to tell now that we've stopped counting.... At least I can't find anything that says death counts after December, 2009.

Then I ask, Why do we spend more on our military than the rest of the world does combined? Too late to cut spending on that now... That's a lot of jobs. Bummer though... Had we cut some of the spending on our extensive military, maybe all those soldiers could have been scholars, scientists, teachers, engineers... You know - The people who solve problems and teach people lessons without the violence.

I refuse to vote until the playing fields are fair and not a game of advertisement and marketing. Ever notice how the only people that ever win have a name behind them, or the most money dedicated towards putting their face on your Television screens during election?

I'm not expecting answers.... I'm young, so you old folks can hate away on me... and my next to nothing life experience... But my public education makes me wonder.

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I'm not expecting answers.... I'm young, so you old folks can hate away on me... and my next to nothing life experience... But my public education makes me wonder.

I quite possibly have never head such a well though out opposing viewpoint. With this I really can't argue.

Our government is ran by corporations, check.

War is a way to increase revenue and profits, check.

The war on terror is a clone of the Vietnam war, check.

Politicians are elected by advertising, not value, check.

Voting adds to the problem like being fed before slaughtered, check.

I award you +1 internet.

I joined, and am re-joining the military for training I can find useful later in life. Not to fight a corporate war. A lot of training in my expertise field is military only so I really have no other choice.

Of course, I support a single-person controlled government. Not a dictatorship, but much like Democracy where one person has the final say-so. I call it a spearhead gvmt. I also strongly believe in "Walk softly and carry a big stick." Not this bi-partisan back-and-forth bullshit we have now. Fuck republican, democrat, liberal, conservative, left or right wing. We need a leader with enough balls to tell the media and all the whiners to fuck themselves, someone that not worried about getting reelected, not swayed by lobbists, and most importantly IS NOT A POLITICIAN!

First, In whose right mind was it to give control of the world's most powerful military force to a man who's never been in the military? I'm tired of politicians apologizing for offending someone or some country or some group of people. Srsly, man the fuck up. Say what needs to be said, do what needs to be done, not what the highest bidder pays you to say and do.

Alas, all we see every day is and has been fucked by our government's greed and corruption for the longest time now. There is no way you can sway 51% of the American vote when they're glued to TVs worried about celebrities and fashion. The only hope we have is a radical change brought on by something huge, something to wake up the people, to make them think when so many are asleep. Sheep, I tell you. That's what we are.

Watch Zeitgiest. While it could be bullshit. At least it'll make you think about shit for a few minutes, maybe a day. It's a start.


'01 Ford F-250 LWB
JVC KD-R950BT / Alpine MRV-M500 / (2) SWA-10s4

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