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What are your thoughts on this? When sergeants are telling you not to do it because it is putting troops in danger, and you go and do it anyways, what makes this guy any better? He is just as much of a terrorist as any Taliban member as far as I see it. I also think it is ridiculous to blame an entire religion for a particular groups actions. Islam teaches peace and love, yet their entire culture is basically being deemed as terrorist.

i think i saw it on tv that said somewhere in the koran it said something along the lines of muslims are the rightful leaders of the world and non muslims are garbage and should be enslaved or murdered. how is that peace and love


Everything is a 150 on th earometer

Well I guess punching a woman is a good way to test your strength! You never know how strong you are until you cold-cock a woman in the head and break that bitches jaw.

Next time she tries to punch you in the stomach, whip your wiener out and chase her around. Show her who's boss.

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i think i saw it on tv that said somewhere in the koran it said something along the lines of muslims are the rightful leaders of the world and non muslims are garbage and should be enslaved or murdered. how is that peace and love

hmm, Mohamed said that no living thing should be harmed, not even a tree with green leaves. Due to board rules I don't think we can get too into that part though. I don't want a second ban.

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http://forum09.faithfreedom.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=6205 so they can be just as disrespectful to anyone they want but they get all pissy and butthurt when some priest wants to burn some korans??


Everything is a 150 on th earometer

Well I guess punching a woman is a good way to test your strength! You never know how strong you are until you cold-cock a woman in the head and break that bitches jaw.

Next time she tries to punch you in the stomach, whip your wiener out and chase her around. Show her who's boss.

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http://forum09.faithfreedom.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=6205 so they can be just as disrespectful to anyone they want but they get all pissy and butthurt when some priest wants to burn some korans??

nobody is doubting that there are bad muslims. Every culture has its bad individuals. I can PROMISE you that most Muslims have not committed hateful acts against the United States. Generalizing the entire muslim religion and calling them terrorists is uncalled for. And regardless of how ridiculous you think it is for them to get upset about it, it will NOT stop a few extremists from getting upset and performing hateful and barbaric acts towards us. Burning a book isn't worth a life and I think we can both agree on that.

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http://forum09.faithfreedom.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=6205 so they can be just as disrespectful to anyone they want but they get all pissy and butthurt when some priest wants to burn some korans??

:lol: its not a priest its a pastor

and I think it is ridiculous for any one to do anything like this. If I were to go down there and burn bibles I would probably be killed. And I'm not Muslim in case anyone is wondering. I just think it shows the real intelligence level of the people doing who are going to be involved in this

edit: and i dont think any Muslim attacked the united states because we are primarily Christian so why should they show disrespect to another religion.

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:lol: its not a priest its a pastor

and I think it is ridiculous for any one to do anything like this. If I were to go down there and burn bibles I would probably be killed. And I'm not Muslim in case anyone is wondering. I just think it shows the real intelligence level of the people doing who are going to be involved in this

edit: and i dont think any Muslim attacked the united states because we are primarily Christian so why should they show disrespect to another religion.

it just goes to show that some people care more about publicity and piece of mind as opposed to safety and peace.

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The estranged wife of a Muslim television executive feared for her life after filing for divorce last month from her abusive husband, her attorney said — and was then found beheaded Thursday in his upstate New York television studio
Muzzammil Hassan, who founded Bridges TV in November 2004 to counter anti-Islam stereotypes, surrendered to police Thursday. Hassan touted the network as the "first-ever full-time home for American Muslims," according to a press release.

Yea counter act anti-Islam stereotypes...... They learn this shit from birth!!!!

Fox News

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Yea counter act anti-Islam stereotypes...... They learn this shit from birth!!!!

Fox News

almost all Muslims do not do that. Thats outrageous to label an entire culture as violent when its not like that at all. I am enrolled in a college that is split probably 1/3 arabic, 1/3 black, and 1/3 white out of a few thousand students. I have never had a problem with any muslim student, or arabic for that matter, have never felt like I was in danger of being beheaded.

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