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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/13 in Posts

  1. Best thing about d'amore products? No extra bullshit, nor frills, get the job done and do it right. All buisness no nonsense approach. Love it!
    2 points
  2. do a run. add a new battery. do another run. Gain 142.33 watts. Proof to the customer that what you did, made a difference, might make them want to spend more at your shop. This is no gimmick, it is a very powerful tool and one that help can take your shop to the next level. It's main goal is not to hurt anyone's feelings, although it might.
    2 points
  3. Remember this guys - this isn't designed JUST to sit on a bench and test amps. Picture this, you wheel it out to a customer's car, run the dyno on his "1000w" amp (while still in his trunk). It might very well be a 1000w amp, but he used a LONG run of 4ga and a shitty ground. He benches, in his car, @ 732 watts and system pulled down to 12.3v (from 14). So you sell him (and/or) install some nice 1/0 and maybe a proper alternator. Re-Bench it. Now he has 1024w . (example). So a failed dyno run will not ALWAYS be about the brand, but about the install and this tool will help you fix it and PROVE your changes made a difference.
    2 points
  4. I am dead serious when I say D'Amore Engineering is really going somewhere. I think it would be cool to intern or flat out work for you guys. (EE major over here)
    1 point
  5. Our R&D is actually working on a few different imports for the AVBM2
    1 point
  6. trust me when i get my Dyno, i will run my T4000's, my T2500's and anything else in my path.
    1 point
  7. parts are ordered for at least 10 of them. If you want one, once they are done, speak up and i will sell you one.
    1 point
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