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Status Updates posted by dankmans-rb26

  1. Yea buddy off to food ol pt.

  2. Well it looks like a top gear uk kinda nite..

  3. Dear insomnia have I ever told you how much I love you and how much joy I get out of not being able to sleep...

  4. Damn there is some good in evil ppl. Satan is letting me have Damian for 2 weeks straight I wanna say she is doing it to be nice but in reality it came down to her not finding some one to pawn him off to so that she can go be a drunk for 2 weeks cuz of New Years and yes that still makes her a pos that shouldn't have her kids...

    1. Miguels


      she don't deserve the child.. many girls dont mature and like to party even when they have responsibilities

    2. MrSkippyJ


      so glad it's only girls who do that.

  5. Hell yea start work tomorrow witch means ill be able to open my shop 100% alone witch is a damn good feeling if you ask me..

  6. What a nite it's now time for bed...

  7. Looks like low down is a bust deal didn't go through as planed

  8. Damn can't sleep and I have a doctors appointment @7 in Portland tomorrow

  9. Bored A.F time to go find something to do.

  10. Hell yea one more class of anger management then I'm done with

  11. This not being able to sleep shit is getting old real quick.. time to go for a drive

  12. Who's all going to low down this weekend?

  13. Damn have to do a skype interview for the job in Guam this Sunday are time witch is Monday there time. Maybe I should just take the job and good change is well needed.

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      Your Facebook timeline has got to be about as depressing as the holocaust.

  14. Si it looks like I have court on the 15th because I gave my son a hair when he needed one when the waste of space failed to do so. God I can't wait tell this is over with and I get my son back and away from an unwanted environment.

    1. OrionStang


      Good luck, custody case rulings make absolutely no sense sometimes. Hope they do the right thing for you.

  15. Gotta love not being able to sleep!!'

  16. Bored as hell getting ready to hope on some mw3

  17. It's sad that some mothers are more worried about going to the club or when there going to have the next drink then what is going on with there own child. grow up and be a mother not a regular at the bar or who ever is having a party, be a regular in your child's life and make an impact in there life not the bars tab.

    1. tdsa23


      Wheres the LIKE button.

    2. KillaCam


      You talking about your "baby mama"?

  18. Looks like I'm gonna hit up some mw3 or bf3 cuz I'm hella bored right now

  19. Fi sp4s are sold and now we are on to getting some of the sickest subs to ever hit Oregon b2 xc's hear we come.

  20. Omfg if it's not one thing it's another with this pos waste of space. B/c she fails to support my kid and get him the things he needs and I do she now wants to take me back to court over a hair cut and trying to keep my son from me. Ugh I just wish she would go away and let me and my son be happy

    1. Emmet


      I have yet to meet a grown man that says "omfg"

    2. OrionStang
  21. I really hate days like today. Having to give my son back to someone and a place where he isn't wanted is the worst feeling in the world as a parent..

  22. What a weak ass fight..

  23. My buddy has a set of 15" fi sp4s for sale asking $500 for the pair. Hit up Phillip or me for more info

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