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Status Replies posted by ROLEXrifleman

  1. waiting on the mailman. it will be here today!

  2. waiting on the mailman. it will be here today!

  3. waiting on the mailman. it will be here today!

  4. Team Subsonic lows, does that mean you lows travel slower than the rest of sound?

  5. estranged wife of 4+ years wants to get back together, not sure if put build on hold or.....

  6. Anybody planning on taking your girl to see 50 SHades of Grey? Seems like guaranteed ass,,,, If you can keep smart-ass remarks during the flick to a minimum LOL.

  7. thinking about trading my DC 2k for a 3k...humm...

  8. Going to be picking up my new to me 1996 Impala SS! Yes its a real Impala

    1. ROLEXrifleman


      ^ that's chapter 84 in my book called, " shit that will never happen to me"

      Btw, is home plate removed? If so someone's been fucking with the motor. And if you don know what home plate is you better call somebody!!!

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  9. Going to be picking up my new to me 1996 Impala SS! Yes its a real Impala

  10. Going to be picking up my new to me 1996 Impala SS! Yes its a real Impala

  11. Hey you guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyssssssssss!!!

  12. them spirits are telin me the way to alleviate my money troubles is to hit the nearest casino to see if lady luck can bust my bubble !

  13. any car audio comps in or near Chicago,IL comming up???

  14. any car audio comps in or near Chicago,IL comming up???

  15. wow wife was just looking through netflix and found friz the cat

  16. So my dealer fucked me on a brake job monday amongst other things...I go in the trunk today and find snap on sockets and wire cutters in the track near the rear window...Part of me wants to do the right thing and bring them to this asshole but another part of me wants to add them to my collection..

  17. some asshole destroyed my phone out of anger, filed a police report, it's a misdemeanor criminal mischief, if he refuses to get this settled in person, what are my options? Anyone help me out? I'm assuming small claims court but i'd rather not deal with that. And no i'm not gonna kick his ass.

    1. ROLEXrifleman


      Since he never touched you there's no way to drag him to criminal court. Unfortunately this is a civil matter all the way and sounds like it would cost more to recover the cost of the phone than its worth. Hound that fucker to the point of harassment!

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  18. some asshole destroyed my phone out of anger, filed a police report, it's a misdemeanor criminal mischief, if he refuses to get this settled in person, what are my options? Anyone help me out? I'm assuming small claims court but i'd rather not deal with that. And no i'm not gonna kick his ass.

    1. ROLEXrifleman


      I need to know the what led up to breaking the phone. what actually happened?

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  19. 96 Impala just popped up local to me.. Gonna go check it out

  20. 96 Impala just popped up local to me.. Gonna go check it out

    1. ROLEXrifleman


      even though it's dated I still think about it now and then. My wife refuses to let me get another. Still got the autometer triple gauge pillar for it!

    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

  21. 96 Impala just popped up local to me.. Gonna go check it out

  22. 96 Impala just popped up local to me.. Gonna go check it out

  23. 96 Impala just popped up local to me.. Gonna go check it out

  24. 96 Impala just popped up local to me.. Gonna go check it out

  25. 96 Impala just popped up local to me.. Gonna go check it out

    1. ROLEXrifleman


      floor shifter, analog cluster, color and side view mirrors are all indicators at a glance

    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

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