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06RTCharger last won the day on June 9 2019

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  1. pens agaDamn car crapped out on me this morning. Went to leave for work this morning and the car wouldnt start. Could it be because my battery is low? I dont know if its low but its never not started. 

    Since my rear seat is removed i can hear the truck compartment where my stock battery and fuse box is. When i turn the key over the dash lights come on and the trunk area makes a "click click click click click click" sound really fast for a couple seconds then everything goes off, then if i try again it does exactly the same but shuts off even quicker. What do ya'll think it is??? I gotta try to fix it when i get home from work. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wishuponasub


      Yeah check battery first. Next would probably be a starter solenoid. I only work on older vehicles so I'm not even sure if newer ones have the solenoid.

    3. 8ten8
    4. 06RTCharger


      Alright ill pick up a digital multi meter. Would the dmm be able to tell if my alternator is putting out sufficient power to charge the battery? My coworker brought up a good point to check the alternator. I dont beleive the battery should've died. I think maybe becuase i dont drive alot (works less than a mile away, maybe even a mile round trip) that my battery weakens a lil from not being driven for long periods of time to keep it charged. The car is running for maybe an hour- hour half total per week on average. 

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