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06RTCharger last won the day on June 9 2019

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  1. Woke up and almost shit myself. 8am i was about to get ready for work and my phone gets an emergency alert.... It says “EMERGENCY ALERT. BALLISTIC MISSLE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEAK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.” That was a fucked up half hour to start the day off. Turns out some dumbass hit the wrong button SMFH. 

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    2. twalker182


      Saw this on someone's IG but thought it was a joke.....I can't imagine....sorry to hear that dude.

    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I hope you didn't call your boss and cuss him out, lol

    4. 06RTCharger


      Yah it was pretty fucked up, my family and our dog taking cover in the downstairs hallway. Tryna call other family to make sure they got warned. Never been in a situation like that, crazy. 

      I texted my boss who was already at work “if the missle dont get us, ill be late” lol smh. If hawaii was to get hit, it would probably be on the other island Oahu where the capital is and the most people. Im on maui tho, the second most populated island here.

      Just glad it was a mistake.

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