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Everything posted by Twigz

  1. ah who cares, i'd be happy with just one =). KINGSUV just got the amp correct? let's hear his reviews on it =)
  2. I see this being your fault. You called out someone you didn't know and they was REAL and you caused this on your self trying to look cool in front of your chick friend. Your lucky this dude wasn't like a gang banger or something cuz they don't play depending where ur from. Back to the issue at hand this is no reason to go buy a gun. I've had plenty of shit talkers, shit talkin, and fights and I've never even thought about buying a gun. You ever see the movie Friday? or how bout rush hour? "Put the gun down and fight like a man" i forget the other quote something like "you lose some but you live to fight another day". "Do you need a gun to think your a man" "I'm a Man Without One" sorry if this was harsh but I just see this whole thing being your own fault and it's no reason to hop on the band wagon of having licensed right to bear arms ate such a young age.
  3. that dude was funny, I couldn't really tell when the Touress kicked in but all the things he said reminds me of me lol. if he did die, that sucks. any more videos? let's get sum links up =)
  4. i respect that. how old are the criminals? im sure if their kids u can have the parents pay u lol.
  5. pretty much the only way you can get ur shit stolen, is by talking bout having it with people u dont know. if everyone knows what u got, they all got ur back if it is to ever get jacked. most people who steal sum1's system can't resist "bragging" and that's how they get caught. im glad u got ur shit back, and found them charge em for a new vehicle get rid of the old van and get a new one =)
  6. yah. TEAMBASSINURFACE had his shit stolen and he made them replace the window they broke into. Can I ask why they stole your shit, and what were they planning to do with it? I just find it fucking stupid to steal peoples shit theirs no real purpose.
  7. does this mean that you caught the people who did it? charge them for the damages they did do, and than for the all ur hard work u put in make them give u a paid vacation =)
  8. thats what im waiting for SUPPORT DC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that would be the shit seeing them made would be more than what I was hoping for. I'd really wanna see a Test Video =P of the subs being Burped.
  9. Rusty if your reading this i'm sure me and many others would like to see a tour of the DC Ware House if your willing to release it? I think it would be pretty cool but if you can't due to business reasons I understand.
  10. I need a new hard drive. I have a custom built computer and my hard drive uses an IDE cable, im looking for as much gig space as possible for $150 bucks. I've gone to TigerDirect.com but am confonused on the models and don't know if itll be compatible. could some one give me some brands and links for a good hard drive that'll last along time? i'm just looking to have space for I tunes for my new I pod. I'm looking for around 100-300 GB hard drive.
  11. the soldiers was fake, didnt u check the thread on the video? don't jump on the hater band wagon till u hear the 2nd part of the story. it was a set up video anti american crap.
  12. ok, do this again and this time film it =) might be on worlds most funniest videos.
  13. happy? wheres my fucking candy? wheres my fucking choclate eggs? :mad:
  14. fuck dude i didnt know it was that bad I would go with the surjury 50% chance is better than 5% u know? My mom had an ear infection once when i was really little they took a water gun and shot it into her ear they had a full metal cup of just wax it was some nasty ass shit.
  15. I never knew this about you. I would say fuck it and not do it and keep being a bass head because well were all gonna die and when you die you won't have hearing, so who really cares? I'm sure your family could learn to do sign language =P If your really suffering with pain however, I would say go for it and you can still listen to music just don't do no 150+ db's.
  16. is it a custom built computer? I have 2 little extra buttons connected to my mother board, and I push them in and my power supply goes on. The regular button in the middle of the case that you push on all computers doesn't work.
  17. this thread is pretty "Fucked Up" should have a "graphic content" some where on the front page people with easy stomaches should stay clear.
  18. I got one. this kid in my church class was afraid of lightning, he hid under the desk during storms, and he picked his nose and ate his boogers. well it was his 1st year in junior high, and he was all excited, long story short, he hung himself and kid was only 12... I went to his funeral I was 14. that was the 1st time I went to a funeral with some one around same age as me.
  19. theirs a giant spider under ur bed that's gonna bite ur balls off, spit em out, and lay eggs inside of them. sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite. x2 Benji thats pretty fucked up... and for u to tell strangers..... it's good to get shit off like that off ur chest... but damn i think that takes the cake of this thread
  20. I hate you, I hope your family dies, I'll shit on your grave, light my shit on fire, and than piss it out. Your a worthless piece of shit that'll amount to nothing. ^^ i think that's a pretty fucked up thing to say but I can come up with alot worse lol. is this opposed to be fictional, or real event?
  21. Twigz

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    super smash brothers brawl on Wi-Fi. i'm old school vet since 64 days.
  22. this is the truth. I had a system in a Beretta 1997 it shitted on me in middle of express way. I had my brothers car 1992 Cavalier, it shitted on me. I had a pos car but i was happy i could do what i wanted wif the system. now I got a 2007 Cobalt with mids already in and no system? I go behind my dads back and install the system anyways. the freak out is I've gone over 3 months without Bass, and when I finally get BASS theirs always a "problem". the whole shock thing I could give 2 shits bout getting shocked I was mainly freaking out on I wanted my BASS back asap. and don worry bout harping on me man, I know you know ur shit and constructive criticism helps, and even if it's not constructive I don't have a problem with you venting on my threads and shit.
  23. i wasn't freaking out lol my boss was he got me all paranoid saying I could of got him electricuted or some shit like that so I was just concerned about "Safety" I don't care if it sparks and it's not lethal than that's fine but he was acting like he was gonna get electricuted and it freaked me out alittle bit. too bad Car Audio is and always will be my hobby =) learn from your mistakes, and learn from others.
  24. that may be a sign to get an alarm on your shit if u don't already have one.
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