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Everything posted by Blue

  1. Ok its a 94 nissan maxima with sundown audio sae1200d v1 running 2 shallow mount pioneer 12's. Also have a Power Bass asa 400.4 running some power bass 3xl 6.5 comps in custom door pods(need to be redone, first time making some.) Everything is running off of a yellow top in the back and a 90amp stock alt. Camera doesnt pick up the flex that this car has unfortunately. Need to find a better one. Enjoy name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">here is a link to my youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/jackass234561
  2. Uh, please read before posting. It has been said plenty of times wat all of these are in. Im not goin to say what it is, but go read. Might learn a thing or 2. Flipsid, nice work, want to see it completed all ready
  3. I hear it too. I tell my parents that there is a tv on in the house they think im crazy. They always say that there isnt cause there is no audio on. Then i tell them to go check, and sure enough there is one on with it either paused or muted. lol I used to hear the noise a lot in school too. Always made me sad when i heard the noise cause i knew there was a class watching a movie and we werent :censored:
  4. yep, and an Automatic Defib wont even administer shock if there is no "heart beat."
  5. One of my cousins cousins is a First aid instructor and he was telling me about that a couple of months ago. The reason why is because they have done studies and it shows that the compression of the chest is actually enough compression on the lungs for the patient to "breath". I really want to see the new device on that they are developing. It wraps around the chest and compress's the whole chest cavity and pumps the heart. If I remember right it doesn't break ribs in the process.
  6. Fingers interlaced, Arms straight, over the heart, compress, 30:2. Feel free to correct me if im wrong
  7. Im only 21 and I have a box full of 8 tracks, including one or 2 elvis's. ill try to get a pic sooner or later.
  8. there is part of ur problem i believe. turn that down. also as stated before, wat is ur electrical like?
  9. Nice work cant wait to see where this is goin. Good luck, and make sure you have a fire extinguisher handy for those little fires
  10. the biggest storm to hit the area i supposed to come in tomo. great.....
  11. damn, i should bring my wake board and swim trunks to ur house tomo and get towed behind the truck. be bad ass
  12. how much power are you goin to be running? and also wait a few hours, you will get a response. just chill
  13. yea its supposed to rain 2 to 4 inches next week alone in my area (which is a lot, goin to be fun delievering pizza's).
  14. I believe he means 2.5 each, not total.
  15. yea i bought mine on december 27, 2009. According to ups, it should be here sometime today. cant wait. just be paticient and they will get back with you soon
  16. Cant wait till you get the other vids put together. Was great meeting you and Jeff in Vegas. Cant wait to see the rest of the vids. WOOT!!!!
  17. No, sae line cant run .5, fuses pop and so will the amp most likely. Just wire to 2 ohms and be happy. That will yeild you around 6-700 rms in its self.
  18. Well since everyone calls me Blue think you can change it from Blue86f150 to just Blue please. Thanks
  19. Damn, wish i would have known that you wanted some pioneer shallows fool, i could have brought mine to the shop today. lol. Also, you will be lucky if you can get 500 to them without blowin, let alone 1800.
  20. well since you figure that it is the number 4 cylinder givin you the problem there is something that you can do. Do you still have the old spark plugs? If you do great, if not, might want to get a cheapy of the procedure im gonna tell ya now. 1. Knock out all of the ceramic on the spark plug, leaving just the metal part with the threads. 2. Get an air connector for an air line and weld it on to the opposite side of where the spark plug threads are. 3. Put the cylinder to top dead center. Once in that position screw your home made leak down tester in. 4. listen for air leaks, if air is coming out of the intake, bad intake valve. Out of the exhaust, bad exhaust valve. If it is coming out of the oil filer, then you have bad rings. If you have no air leaking out, then have fun finding out wat it is lol. Good luck
  21. lol, all i had to do was look through my photobucket. Is that bad???
  22. Lucky. Can't wait till mine gets here. Ordered a refurbished v1 from db-r the other day. Should be getting it in the next week or 2. Its gonna be on a single lvl3 at 1 ohm. Not sure how long its gonna last....
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