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Everything posted by Team_DC-Derrick

  1. you will pay close to what i paid for my 3 18s for the 4 15s jus sayin
  2. 300 each? fuck that price... go with DC, FI, AA or sundown for that pricing..... atleast you can recone those
  3. do a wall... with 4 18s, or something with alot of cone lots of power... or lots of fans...
  4. I wont be this year.... MAYBE after i get back from afghanistan *i leave in july* the rebuild MIGHT be loud enough to make me wanna show people how loud it is on music
  5. I was JUST about to post this, but refreshed the page to see if it was said 33hz is more daily, on a musical setup.. generally 44-55hz is SPL frequencys
  6. and why is that? i had my 7k playing in 98-101 degree weather, in the sun... for 8+ hours at a time, at slamology... if ANYTHING other amps failed in that kinda situation where the stetsom didnt...... just saying, i have tons of people who can vouch.... the stetsom never stopped playing at all the whole 2 days straight at slamology... its just so wonderful how people will comment and have ALLLLL their info completely fucked up..... yet instead of making sure their info is right.. they come in and make a fool of them selves....
  7. hes thinking of soundigital, thats their frequency response range... not stetsom... hes confused is all. i was doing 153s at 24hz... and 152s at 20hz, so i know its capable of playing low
  8. i guess my 4hz burp isnt good enough from a stetsom amp? the issue you are thinking of, is with the SD, not stetsom btw..... edited one more time Frequency response: 20Hz a 8KHz http://www.stetsom.com.br/eng/DetalhesProduto.aspx?c=8076&cat=172
  9. i have the 7k2d 1 ohm version rated at 4600w at 2 ohms at 12.6v clamped power 5500w at 2 ohms at 11.2v ..... 1.4v less at the same ohm load and i got 900 more watts than rated.... I love mine
  10. I would go with DC, but both companys do make great products...
  11. This right here, highlights the problem with some of the people on this forum and all over the sound community. They don't watch voltage, and they just crank their amps up til it sounds "good" and let it go. Meanwhile, their alt and batt are suffering horrible and painful deaths, at the same time as possibly frying the amp.... I have learned, a "few" people on this forum know what they are talking about, and when they speak, I listen. Sure, sometimes they come across a little arrogant or assholish, but, when you have been in the game for so long, you expect people to already know what you know sometimes. Sometimes people forget that people are still learning. But still, I listen. If you choose not to listen when people give good advice, then you, my friend, are in the wrong place! and that is why when you get over 1500w~ in power you should really invest the 5 bucks for a voltage reader, for the car, like how beatbox did for his integra.. or mine down in my cup holder.. so you can constantly monitor your voltage
  12. I can atleast say this, by coming here and asking that question, then trying to act like a know-it-all is failing dude... you asked, but you say you know the answer... you say you are smarter than what people are making you out to be, but you are asking a pretty basic question, if YOU feel YOUR electrical can handle .5... do it.... if it doesnt, you will probably blow some shit up and be back here bitching. Just saying, dont try to be all tough and acting like a dick head to people who are trying to explain stuff to you, even if its in a asshole way...
  13. good shit, you cant really beat them for their price, do decent power, and super cheap... i fell in love with my 3k i had, i had it for like 4 years then sold it to bigpimpin
  14. the AP3000 is rated at 2 ohms bridged, for 3000 rms, its a 2 channel mono amp..... if you didnt know 2 channel 2x 1500 rms at 1 ohm, thats 1 ohm per channel or 1x 3000 rms at 2 ohms bridged by bridging the 2 channels
  15. are you going to slamology? I know we pass dayton on that way.. i think LOL
  16. LOL I'm in bad need of a custom suspension for a 2000 Saturn Wagon with a couple hundred pounds of shit in the hatch LOL But I'm always BROKE Welcome to the forum. All of us Ohio guys need to stick together. I didnt realize you were so close to me, Im down in lancaster about once a week down off of 56 and big pine... my uncle lives in the pink house before concles hollow *how ever you spell it..* but i dont drive the teg down there LOL
  17. Ok so i texted him to find out, he did a 136.7 in drive by, a few years ago
  18. erics was 6 years ago, with the 139 or so, and yes it was legal from 6 feet away, back when you had to drive up to the mic... i have no idea what setup he had back then, but he was doing 61s on music from the records ive seen of that time frame for him
  19. I try to talk to him about once a week, he hasnt been to shop night in awhile.. but i have heard the same thing i mean hes only been doing 58-61s for the past 6 years now LOL
  20. Eric alexander has held the highest for awhile as far as i remember with a 139 or so... but that was a few years ago, I think 2000lade aka hank might be around that now..
  21. double the power and double the subs?
  22. shortening the port = raising the tuning and generally higher tuning yields higher spl but when you raise the tuning most music will sound like shit, depending on how high you raise it... you wont wanna be playing 30-35hz while being tuned to 70hz
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