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Status Updates posted by getonerd

  1. Got to pay some bills call to find a few places paint some stuff maybe glass the iPad for my next g6 project

  2. Hacked lol

    1. SnowDrifter


      More like forgot to log out and you stumbled upon his mistake. Not hacked, not even a little.

  3. Had 9 skids of pets wow

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAEDA 11 years went too fast

  5. Happy birthday to my mommy

  6. Happy birthday to my oldest son

  7. Happy freaking new years

  8. Happy mother's day

  9. Hate poping pills but to take the edge off my back so i can sleep i suck it up

    1. TRON


      When I wrecked my back in motocross a few years ago, I had to take meds before I went to be or else I'd wake up at 3am with a knife in my back.

  10. hate waking up feelin like crap

    1. purplesyrup


      even worse, waking up feeling like shit,

    2. Amart88


      I hate waking up because your drunk ass neighbors can't handle their alcohol and get into a pissing match for 3 hours until the cops show up. They live 4 houses down. Buddy screaming like a chewbacca and smashing shit. smh

  11. hate waking up feeling like crap

    1. Kyblack76



      go to sleep the same way...

  12. Have a freaking headache can't sleep

  13. Have no ideas for dinner

  14. Having issues today back acting up headache people outside working

  15. having login issues today

    1. _paralyzed_
    2. Krakin


      Only on the misclick for the notifications.

  16. Headache is killing me

  17. heartburn over subway i guess no more of that for awhile

  18. here comes another sleepless night

    1. Born_Again


      Anything you want to share?

    2. OrionStang


      Quit smokin rocks

  19. House of cards all-day (till I pass out)

  20. i always have one foot out the door and keys in my hand

  21. I be glad to get some real sleep someday I been looking like I zombie

  22. I didn't know a two year old can poop so much. Lol :-)

  23. i dont understand me sometimesim screwed lol

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