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_paralyzed_ last won the day on October 20 2016

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About _paralyzed_

  • Birthday 03/13/1979

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  • Interests
    poon, r/c cars, car audio

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  1. Have a good one @_paralyzed_
    You will be missed here for sure!
    Too soon to see ya go but hopefully you will be having the time of your afterlife!

    RIP!! ?

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. DLHgn


      Damn that sucks. RIP Hope you don't kneed a VPN in heaven 

    3. Miguels


      log in to read this.. it sucks 

    4. dangaranga


      God damn. I've been on forums with him for over ten years dating back to r/c car forums.


      This sucks. Rip broham

  2. Scrolling has been all messed up for me the last couple of days.  It will scroll straight to the bottom of a page with no user input, or keep going back to the top when I try to scroll down.  Only on this site.

    1. 06RTCharger


      That happens to me with my phone because sometimes my fingers holding the phone accidentaly BARELY TOUCH the top edge or bottom edge of the screen and for somereason that means got directly to the top or bottom lol. The screen just needs to scense the heat from ur finger, not even an actual touch. Thats with my iphone 6s plus tho, not sure if it'll apply to ur situation. Since u said only this site its probably something else. Just thought id share 

    2. _paralyzed_


      I'm on a MacBook.

  3. Double cheeked up on a thursday afternoon

    1. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      TeeTee..... That's the homey, lol

    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I have watched that shit like 20 times now, lol

  4. Joe Rogan has a good podcast on why it sucks to be a celebrity. I think I've read you write that you don't go to shows because you don't want to deal with the haters. You seem like a genuine nice guy to me and I've tried defending you before, but the haters won't listen. I'm sorry that your popularity actually causes you to isolate yourself. You're just doing your thing. Your site, your giveaways, your builds are all top notch. Thanks for sharing it all with us.
  5. I'm kicking ass at rehab! (physical not chemical, get your minds out the gutter! lol)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. _paralyzed_


      Sniffing the ones I can't grab!  Physical therapy chicks are hot.  All toned and shit.

    3. deathcards


      you kick that ass good sir

    4. DLHgn


      Keep it up. I know that stuff can be hard. My girlfriend has been going to rehab for about a year now. She shattered her ankle February 2016. 2 plates and 12 screws later and we're still working on it. 

  6. I'm still around, just focusing on other things at the moment.

    I hope everyone is doing well.

  7. Hi guys.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. audiofanaticz
    3. Broke_Audio_Addict


      Oh shit, i didnt even see that.

      Roll on through man, ill cook you a ribeye steakum, imma even break out the good paper cups and plates for you, ill even put on my good wife beater(the one thats only got two stains).

      I got this good celery too, you like yours with peanut butter and raisins on em or nah?

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      did you think I posted that pic of mimi from the Drew carey show for my own pleasure? Lol, a little of both

  8. Since the site revamp all the pics I try to post are too big, my max size is .05mb. I want to keep sending the funny stuff I find to you guys. 3 years we've been together! Let's not break up like this! Is that small file size normal, do I need to something differently? Thanks for any help.
  9. Is there a tutorial for the new site? I just can't figure it out. Are there daily pic limits? Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Is I just dumdum?

    1. MrSkippyJ


      There are a few things I am still trying to figure out. Like how to read the whole status update without viewing the member's page. Also, why the recent member pics in the middle of the page are often times from 10 years ago. And chat doesn't work for me. I do like the new style though, just some stuff to figure out.

    2. bolanorthhighlands


      If u want to read the status without viewing the members profile, u can go to "all activity" and scroll all the way down until u find the status u want to read

  10. I feel weird about the heart next to the like button. You guys are cool and all but not in a brokeback way.

  11.  So no more imgur or photo bucket? Just drag and drop?

    1. Kyblack76
    2. Karkov


      I cant even figure out how to change my own status, lol

  12.  was gone a few days. Everything is different. I don't like change. It's scary and unfamiliar.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. meade916


      there several skins to choose from including "classic smd" which has close to the same colors.....hit the "themes" button on the very bottom to find one you like ?



    3. Rich Schenk

      Rich Schenk

      ya seems diffrent havent been on in a minute either

  13. Remember going to clubs and picking up strange? That was awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. _paralyzed_


      37 rejections followed by one taker make for a happy fellow.

    3. Soundfreezer79


      Life is like picking up strange. You never know what your going to get.

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