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Everything posted by bigbodylexus

  1. Okay 18 months later and still no shows?
  2. Is common sense not standard equipment with people anymore? Can someone please translate this ad for me?
  3. Is really feeling Sundown Audio

  4. I need to change the battery upfront, If I can find a powermaster that will fit my Camry
  5. Okay I just bought a SAZ-1500D to go with my SA-12's. Right now I only have my stock alternator (90 amps) I was going to buy a Powermaster D3100 for the trunk. I have the big 3 upgraded to 1/0 ga. wire. Is this going to be enough? I know how Sundown amps are rated so I know the more juice I give the amp the more power it will give me. I just want to try to keep the amp happy with at least 13.8 - 14.4 volts. I know a bigger alternator would be better but I don't have the money right now for a new one.
  6. I can't speak of anywhere else but here in the Dub K the weather is nice, and my kids want easter eggs
  7. Ahhh, the blessed 150 dB club! I can't wait to get mine metered and see what Sundown is doing for me
  8. I'm looking for more power for the Camry. I have a 2001 Toyota Camry with the V-6. Looking for at least 150 amps at idle.
  9. I have to redo my Big 3, I just bought some Knukonceptz 1/0 ga. wire. I currently have a Memphis PR-1000D amp, I am waiting to see what the soon to be released Sundown SAZ-2500D is going to cost. If I can't swing one of those then I will get the 1500D
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGaWvPAhlEQ Just a quick video of my new SA-12's. It's my first video so pardon the quality
  11. Okay honestly the video wasn't the best but I actually liked that song and wouldn't have a problem playing that in my Camry. I have no problem reppin' JC.
  12. I didn't know if this was the right spot for this question, but I was curious. Since I am now officially a Sundown fanatic, I was curious as to where I should concentrate as far as frequencies. I want to meter the Camry and was curious as to what would be a good spot to get the best output. The box is tuned at 30Hz. I didn't know if that's going to make a huge difference. I was never into the whole "termlab" thing but now I am curious.
  13. Yeah, because I have to know what these beasts are doing (besides damage to my spoiler and trunk)
  14. Razor blade and if there is some residue from the adhesive get some gas and wipe it, it works every time
  15. Now I finally have my SA-12's! I did a straight box swap (my Kicker 12" L5's vs. SA-12's) At first I was not impressed but then as I turned the volume up I was blown away. I am very happy with my SA-12s. Thanks to BJ @ Fisher Customs for the great enclosure and a big thanks to Jacob for designing a fantastic sub. I have been in car audio for over 15 years. Now I am not a competitor (as far as USACI, IASCA, and the others) but I have been doing street competitions for years and these are the first subs that I can honestly say lived up to the hype. I am anxiously waiting to see what these sound like paired up with a SAZ-2500D and a little beefier electrical system.
  16. I am actually getting ready to do something similar. I am going to take my new box (2 SA-12's) and do nothing to my setup at all just switch the sub boxes out and see the difference between the SA-12's and my Kicker L5's. I am expecting big things from Sundown
  17. Did I mention that I have an 01' Camry (this one has no gas pedal issues) with a brand new pair of SA-12's that would love to become the new home for a lonely SAZ-2500D
  18. Actually I am waitng on you to finish the testing of the SAZ-2500D and set a pre-order price so I can get one to match my twin SA-12's
  19. I would be safe and start with around 1000 watts, Sundown Audio has a SAZ-1000D that would do a great job with those Alpines
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