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Pasta Prime

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Everything posted by Pasta Prime

  1. Is there any way to buy a few of just the housings? I plan on putting a 2 or 3 more in down the road and would like to be able to mock them up before I purchase the meter themselves. If I could get three of them let me know the details. Thanks.
  2. I always say when I like I'm :jon:while pretending a crowd is chanting and . Then as I'm going as fast as :sonic:driving I and the sight of that I . In the end I feel like a and ask myself and then to put on .
  3. ^ hours to go and Im off for 12 days. Great time planned too. My stepson graduates high school, my son is coming to visit for a month and I hope to god i can build my 4th order or at lease start on my doors.

  4. I have really got to get some of that sunflash before I attempt my doors. That has got to be handy being able to hold it in place while it sets up.
  5. I feel a lot better lately. Hopefully I'll find some motivation to work on the truck again.

  6. lol the shit that entertains us. Nice ninja skills!
  7. At what point do you throw in the towel and start over? Re: Everything.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pasta Prime

      Pasta Prime

      True but a pain sometimes. Lol always keep to the positive right?

    3. Amart88


      yessir! glass half full!

  8. I can't be the only one that gets a warm fuzzy feeling every time Steve starts a build! Can't wait to see the outcome, it will be badass!!
  9. Gave my TLine away on craigslist the other day and when the kid saw it he said: "damn thats big enough for a jackhammer". LoL I tried to explain to him but I just smh and let him go..

  10. I say we boycott them both and dont buy either. If this is next gen stuff then I don't want it. At least sony is going to let you play used games.
  11. i hear ya about the $$ thing. i have plans for my doors next as soon as i can get the equipment. That will be fiberglass project #2 for me. lol
  12. just gotta jump in and try it. i was kinda scared with taking the vm1 apart and hoping I didnt mess it up but its such a quality product my worries were soon squashed.
  13. So I had to try my hand at fiberglass and this is my first attempt. Now on to the pics! This is where I want it to go in. Its the spot in my over head console where the mpg and compass is. Took the meter apart to figure out where I wanted it. Glued it to the lens Stretched some fabric and resined it One of the layers of body filler. I mixed this batch to hot so it hardend to quick. Lesson learned. All sanded down for the most part. In primer Whole part plasti dipped Installed and hooked up Night shot
  14. Whe I win the powerball tomorrow Im shitting on my bosses desk. Video to follow.

    1. Mlcantin


      Haha reminds me of Click

    2. purplesyrup


      Boss sues pasta prime for 650mil lol

    3. Pasta Prime

      Pasta Prime

      Well i didn't win so no sueing or cool video. Damn

  15. flush mount is sexy do it!! Nice buidl btw
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