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Everything posted by memphis_finest1

  1. When ever i want a real laugh all i have to do is go and look for one of your posts Damn that was cold as ICE !
  2. Unc is tough but over rated they have had an easy year also theyre going down as soon as they run into a real team
  3. http://www.flashfunpages.com/couple.swf ok the link DOENST WORK SO DONT BE LAZY JUST COPY AND PASTE = )
  4. Well not only did they lose but they lost by 20 one of the main reasons is because they havent really played any body
  5. Yea that shit was just the best !!!!!!
  6. I text about 200 a day on the ave but that number can go to 4 or 5 in a day because of who im talked to girls at work that are board mainly
  7. Im not trying to say i text more then any body on here so i wont put a number on how many i text but i had a 500 phone bill one time because sprint fucked up and charged me ( i have unlimited texts) and they where like we give you like 200 textes a month your like 2k over that but they fixed it and its all good
  8. Are you sure that it doent just sound louder ? i had 2 memphis 1000x1s and i smoked one of them so i hooked up both mojos to 1 amp and couldnt tell the difference
  9. i dont like this gun i have big hands so id say with something a little longer
  10. ive had mine now for about 3 years andlet me tell you thats one of the most head turning mods you can do to a car, might even be the best 1 they can be a pain in the ass but how played out can they really be ive yet to be any where and see more then 3 at a time . Unless of course you go to a car show
  11. Your trying to get me beheaded ha ha ha and ill be back =) you should see the New build =) now that ill have a real job im going to try to talk Steve into doing my whole truck
  12. Well i get 2 days off so yea it all depends on my computer useage =) Im going to try to find that shop that did that white accord with the spinning doors ha ha ha look it up on youtube if you dont know what im talking about =)
  13. Well i had my conference call about an hour ago and now its all coming togather and now im pretty stoked about going so ill be gone for a year but im going to make alot of money so its all worth it in the end . I cant believe that ive been wanted to get this job since 99 but just havent had the balls to do so it kinda sucks that i havea son that i have to leave but its no different then if i was still in the Marines . WISH ME LUCK the way its looking i might be outta here sooner then later ( like 2 months from now ) Steve if your reading this i still want my box made well work something out =)
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