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Everything posted by HHR Ed

  1. if time doesnt progress at light speed then, if we could travel light speed we wouldnt age correct? Correct, but we are made of matter, and the energy needed to accelerate matter to the speed of light exceeds the amount of energy in the universe. And if we did have that much energy, we would destroy the universe if we ever collided with even a single atom floating in space. So we can go almost as fast as the speed of light and slow down our aging. But then, we are still limited to just the few nearest starts because at 10 light years away, a round trip would take 20+ years on earth. But if we went to more distant stars, time on Earth would have travel very far and family and friends would be gone upon our return. It's a common thought that a distant trip would be one way.
  2. WHat I find poetic is that even as you look up at the night sky, and star light that is 1 billion years old shines upon you, the light does not age since time does not progress at light speed. So the light that traveled billions of light years to get here, arrives as fresh as the day it was made. It's brand new baby light.
  3. When I think about these things, I think about how we can see possible evidence of life on other planets, and exciting new places. But, it saddens me that we can never go visit our neighbors. The expanses are too great, even to get to our next closest galaxy would take 2.5 million years at light speed. So with any understanding we have of travel and physics, it would be impossible to visit other galaxies in our lifetime, our children's, heck even our species' lifetime. That makes me sad. Hopefully we can at least get to Mars in our lifetime.
  4. ahh, WASP-17B is so far the largest known planet. Problem with large planets is that if they gain too much mass, they shrink under their own gravity. So to gain size, a planet needs to have low mass. If mass exceeds a certain point, it can form a star. WASP-17B is about as dense as styrofoam, much less than Jupiter. But it is twice the size of Jupiter.
  5. Yes, dozens. All of the first extra-solar planets discovered were Jupiter sized and larger. There are even failed stars that have become very large planets. They may even be rogue and not be any where near a solar system. I'm sure there's billions out there... I was just hoping someone was gonna drop a name. Here's to the Wikipedia Well Gliese 581 is a "Super Earth" A planet much like the make up of earth but much larger. I dont know the names of the planets Jupiter + sizes. Most probably have a number. Id have to look them up. In the first post image, all objects larger than Jupiter are Stars.
  6. Yes, dozens. All of the first extra-solar planets discovered were Jupiter sized and larger. There are even failed stars that have become very large planets. They may even be rogue and not be any where near a solar system.
  7. almost half to 5000, that means time may be running out to enter. If nobody enters before it hits 5000, maybe nobody will win and I keep the woofer, hehehehehe all mine, muwahahaha
  8. Contest is to make a vid imitating Edwin and win a free custom woofer. You can read more details toward the end of the vid in a banner title
  9. I reached over 2000 subscribers and its 1 year ago Edwin T. Socket debuted. So to celebrate. I am giving away a woofer and SPL tips.
  10. Nah, there's about a dozen or 2 people with them. This one was in a Hummer H1
  11. Thanks Bryan, It was cool meeting you. You really show up like a pimp and I'm jealous of that fine thing you brought, that sexy, well built and amazing.................................................................................................................. Camera
  12. Thanks man, very nice meeting you. If Edwin made it back to anyones room, it'd play out like Forrest Gump in Jenny's dorm room.
  13. Very nice sounding, feeling, and looking. And to top it off, the air made my sunburn feel better.
  14. 14v batteries is a 14v setup, not a 16v setup as been stated before. I see that the OP isnt too familiar with these types of electrical systems. Therefore, I highly recommend that he just stick to the standard 12v charging system. Using 3-4 batteries on his alternator will do him great things. The added wattage from going to full 16v comes at the expense of reliability, ease of setup and service. With 16v, you will get a bit more power from your amp, but honestly, you may never be able to tell unless you have an SPL meter.
  15. Good info here. 45s can hurt though. Straight cuts are important. Birch ply is easier to cut than MDF and its stronger too. But more expensive. Look at plenty of build pics here for ideas.
  16. Nobody really wants to do that because it defeats the purpose of proper staging. You want your car to sound good right? Then dont do it. When you are at a concert, the band is in front of you, not right behind your ear.
  17. termpro has an excessive data base of all records with date details and such. They are all dB Drag Racing because thats dB Drag racing's website. USACI has their own database on their website and same with the other orgs too. Just gotta go look them up.
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