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Everything posted by splzx3

  1. thank you 4 that answer...tym 2 hit up craigslist with my old stuff xD
  2. sorry there will be 4 of the 1500 so just do a master and slave set up
  3. look like im going 2 sale stuff in my room xD and my other car i know this is off topic but on the 1500 how would i hook them up so i only have 2 use one bass knob
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  5. i think it fine as long nothing is stoping then from movein (something pushing down when there trying 2 move up) dont hold me 2 that tho
  6. x2 bro there no reason 2 be a dick so chill ur shit or people will not help u
  7. lol well still have 2 drive a cali 2 get them xD so just chill over there with them
  8. can have or own fire works in az....but a 10 min drive then the fun starts xD
  9. come on bro we are pictures whores here xD and welcome 2 the forum
  10. bro u might be good geting a pre made box and make diff boxes till u get the right one that sounds good 2 u
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  12. this made my night this shit is great
  13. if the box did not meet ur expectations just tell them dont dance around it but that just me
  14. ya lol some one all ready said it but his 15 is nothing 2 steve 1500+
  15. splzx3

    Good Amp's

    well how much money do u have 2 spend and how is ur elec. system in ur car (big 3,batterys)
  16. sorry 2 the jack and noob qustion but wut are Audiocontrol Epicenter, DQXS and Matrixes and wut do they do ?
  17. splzx3

    Help! Asap!

    x2 im lookin for some
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  19. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  20. i think each alpine is get 1500 if he has a good volts no huge drops
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