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Everything posted by n8ball2013

  1. got a buddy who has one of these and is looking at getting the factory nav screen play dvd on it. Can this be done. I know that there is a way but just exactly what it is and what module is actually worth a shit is not something I'm familiar with. Any one know about this?
  2. I'm not sure if anyone here is actually familiar with my situation but I got out of the Marine Corps October 14 and have been looking for a job and today got the call and was offered a position. I have to fill out some paper work and I can start monday. i'll be a contractor working for IBM. And the best part 37 an hour. Woooooo. Now I can get a new car and find a project vehicle. That astro down the street may have a new home.
  3. the last wheeler accident I had was also in the rain. I was whipping down a grassy trail at about 45-50 and a deer jumped out in my path about20 yrds ahead of me. So i oh shit and hit the back brakes clutching and downshifting the whole way trying to get it to slow down. Rear end catches up with the front and im going sideways. At this point I realize I either gotta bail or hit the deer sideways and roll. So I bailed. hit the ground rolled flipped bounced rolled and bounced some more. finally come to a stop and sit up and look. The wheeler stopped about 20 feet passed where the deer was. I managed to get it in neutral AND the fucker never rolled . the deer just looked at me and walked away. It must have moved as I was bailing. Not a very good time there!
  4. My Wifeys cousin works at a nissan dealership in pa as a detailer and he was there when they unloaded their first one. And promptly scraped it down the side of the transport truck.
  5. I agree with bill and you are going to have to buy in to each brand to be an authorized seller.
  6. ram and processors. ram anything over 2 gb should suffice for your needs. vista is a memory pig so you need a ton of it. processors. anything dual core. then the higher the speed the better. that is going to be the basic stuff for you. their is other things like front side bus speed and cache and stuff like that. My father in law got an hp from Sams with 4 gb ram and a 250 gb hard drive and 17inch screen for like 800 bucks.
  7. 1 batt.... 2000 watts..... sledgehammer boxes...... 155..... bull fucking shit
  8. for us older folks virtualnes.com. og nintendo emulators for your comp!
  9. ah slight misunderstanding . what i meant was for him to finally get it all on the house. youd think after all the customers that run RF and FI now due to his videos theyd take care of it. Im sure the money spend by those is far exceeding the cost of some new gear. He single handedly promotes them far better than any advertising they can do.
  10. so you think that steve has had sponsors donate all that gear to him. pretty sure hes paid for every lsat thing. a homeboy hook up is one thing free shit is another.
  11. If im answering the phone you arent getting anything from me. Nothing gets them going oh fuck like a can I please speak to your supervisor since you are unable to help me.
  12. lets just hope one of these companies is finally hooking you up proper for pimping out their gear and turning it into internet legend stuff.
  13. there was a pad type thing that always gets stuck to the dash and then to the deck making it suck. my dash cavity is so modified its nothing now.
  14. I have the worst dash crack. i think ive gotten used to the rattles when i go out to the car ill take pics of the dask crackS i have lol
  15. pics of said sister. drill a hole through the knockout panel where the clutch would be.
  16. n8ball2013


    ok now where are the REALLY GOOD pics at? I know you got some. I used to spend a fortune in beads there lol
  17. go out in style roll that bitch into their yard at 3 am and let it rip one last time
  18. whats up navi you bailing on the scene or is the wife telling you that its gotta go if i was closer id seriously be thinking about this.
  19. ah you go to school in canada huh. i thought you might be around me with the rugby picture and all that shit is huge around here
  20. youll never get 5kw out of a mojo 2500. never. maybe if lightning hit it. look into a 1500 watt amp at one ohm since they are 750 watts rms. Maybe like a sundown 1500d since they are huge around these parts.
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