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18+ All Access!
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Status Replies posted by BeatBox

  1. Wow I feel like shit today, thank you alcohol

  2. R.I.P. Carrol Shelby. Your name will live on, and so will your cars.

  3. How much you wanna bet I can throw a football over those mountains

  4. Turned 18 yesterday. If anyone wants to give a late b-day present, I could always use votes for SOTM :D

  5. I suck.... SO MUCH dick. Like. SOOOOO MUCH.

    1. BeatBox


      i wouldnt if thats not the only thing that reached down his throat and to his heart :pardon:

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  6. Do the chickens have large talons

  7. new pics soon. culver city muscle car show.

  8. It's 5 o'clock. let the birthday festivities begin. 2 Jager bombs down.

  9. The old lady bought me an Xbox 360 for my birthday. Best woman in the world right there ;) And she cooked breakfast. Fucking love this girl!

    1. BeatBox


      happy bday, now get sht faced and game away drunk!

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  10. Okay today sucks but I am getting new tires on my car :)

  11. LOL at lowballers.

  12. well i got my fi stolen. sucks but thats how life works, so im starting over, anyone in the fresno area got some subs to sell me.

  13. My daughter told me a really funny joke....WHY CAN'T ANIMALS IN A ZOO TAKE ANY TYPE OF TEST???

  14. Can't sleep. Even a good long drive didn't help. Gonna be a long night I guess.

  15. obrigado a todos pela presença e colaboração! o local nao sera mais esse ate sabado sera divulgado o local oficial que ocorerão os proximos encontros ! quem quiser saber mais sobre o evendo pode me adicionar e qualquer novidade eu vou publicando por enquanto no meu perfil ate nos decidirmos um nome para eu criar uma pagina!

  16. Aarrrggggggg warbleargle I wanna sleep Dx

  17. Opinions on adding stickers on your ride??? I was thinkin of putting a few on, (SINGER ALTS,XS, and such) and not sure about it.....

  18. damm i love that feeling getting home from a day/night at work to relax and pass outt!!

  19. Driving test next Wednesday, I hope I pass :o

  20. Driving test next Wednesday, I hope I pass :o

  21. In your life you have people you want to cut off however there is so much history between you and that person that its hard to forget all the history and turn you back on them

  22. Guess who just popped a RF T2500BDCP? Fml I'm so pissed

  23. In my monday kick ass mode

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