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Everything posted by Rebel4055

  1. It was the same as my lumina. Don't think much changes with them motors.
  2. Yeah gotta remove the belt. Just a tensioner that you stick a ratchet into. And no it's really this easy.
  3. Easy. Disconnect the negative battery terminal, disconnect the wiring on the alt and unbolt it. I just looked at a picture of your motor. It's that easy.
  4. You connect the positive first because it changes nothing by hooking up the ground first you have now given the battery a circuit and is now considered "hot". The reason why any battery would spark while connecting the ground is because somewhere in the circuit something is drawing power, whether it be the dome light because the doors open or the simple constants to clocks and radios. All of those things would cause the battery to spark a little at connection. i bet you 2 dont charge the caps in your amps before hooking them up ether guess im just use to 20,000 watt plus systems I'm talking in general. Not system wise.
  5. I've always hooked my positive up before my ground.
  6. A amp gain is not a volume knob. You don't turn it up all the way expecting full power.
  7. If you have a DD-1 just do it +6 or leave it flat. Personal opinion.
  8. Caps are good when you have proper electrical to back one up. If you have stock electrical it pretty much just strains it even more.
  9. I agree with n8. Don't get anything else but Fiber. If you can't then your out of luck lol.
  10. We had dish for the longest time. It sucked, every breath of wind the signal would die or if the sky was cloudy no signal. Rain would knock it down. We had to just put up with it. Till Cinergy came into our area. It's only available to some parts of Indiana. Full fiber optic from pole to house. 100% uptime on cable and internet. Had Verizon DSL and that sucked of course.
  11. Second video 1:01 Clearly 10.xx volts.... Just sayin. Your setup does slam! AQ FTW!
  12. We didn't attempt to start anything. We were just connecting everything. That connector just wouldn't go on.
  13. Motor swaps all day everyday lmao

  14. I'm about to scream... We tried using that freaking connector too... Going to see what happens tomorrow. Was going on it all day. Just worn out haha.
  15. It will have to be early. I'm going back over there to work on the blazer and get my escorts motor fixed up.
  16. If any of you have what this has I would kill for a picture or something lol. It's the connector that plugs into the side of the distributor.
  17. Me and a buddy is doing a engine replacement on a blazer. We got everything connected except the connector that goes to the distributor. I found a diagram online but it doesn't give me specifics on it. Is there anyone that can look up like the color code of it or number on the connector?
  18. It is a common problem with these vehicles as far as I seen and read. Some people went as far as upgrading the connector. I just did a swap from a parts car.
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