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Everything posted by slugdub

  1. Not to be a dick but who is he? I mean, I know his brothers got assassinated. Does anyone even look like.
  2. This is exactly why I leave my windshield cracked in 4 places and don't pull the dent out of the side of my Bu. Nobody thinks there is anything good in there.
  3. Holy crap well going away camping a weekend or two is hurting my rank. Oh well. Some other people step up and post your stats! Don't matter if they are good or bad its interesting.
  4. One thing I did like that tripped me out is like the first fight you are in is somehow at the end of the game? You seem to have all the powers and then they take them away and you have to purchase them all. That is kind of a cool thing. But yeah, very repetitive. I get a little sick of hanging out on rooftops.
  5. Dang, I thought this would be a super fun thread of someone posting random quotes and us trying to determine who had made them.
  6. What on earth is going on? Dude explained exactly what it was and what it does but I'm still in the zone. I guess I smoked too much uh.. cigarettes to follow.
  7. OH also found in Israel and Mexico is the sugariest orange soda ever to wash it all down (which is needed because outside the US stuff is not as sweet at all)
  8. This all depends on where you are. In Europe you gotta rock the Siroopwafelens Its candy made from waffles! From Mexico is the Bueno: Ok, maybe its made in German but you find it in Mexico. And in Israel is the god damn greatest thing of all time, the Milky! Its like super fattening chocolate pudding with super fattening whipped cream on top and sometimes even a little packet of candy sprinkles. Its sooooo good! If I want something salty I guess I'll just have some Salt n' Vinegar chips, but I don't really always like chips that much.
  9. Well, to be fair.. I did a book report on Jeff Bridges because of Tron... but it came out about the same probably. Same era. What is the date on that Rolling Stones? Wow!
  10. Go for the dogs.. stay for the verbal abuse! Seriously, go there like drunk @ 4am and tell us how it was.
  11. Thoughts about the trailer. Good think Jeffery Lebowski is in it, that is key. The trailer isn't really footage of the movie I don't think. They could really ruin this franchise if they screw it up. I wonder how it will translate to the world today with gaming being so different than it was back then. This used to be my favorite movie as a kid and I even did a book report on Jeff Bridges. My mom made a big deal of taking me to the big city library to find articles and make copies of them. The funny thing is I ended up pissing her off by laughing at how he was caught smoking pot as kid and flushed it down the toilet etc etc.. I was too young to even know what pot really was. Anyhow, good times...
  12. Just got my hands on this and it is pretty fun.. the events are frustrating me right now though, only 1 gold (that easy soaring one). All the moves are getting hard to keep track of too... I'm sure I'll get it in time. Hate the checkpoint events though. Yuck.
  13. I have got it and I am pretty dang good at it. I'm ranked like 2100 something right now (oops took the weekend off and now i'm 2511). I will smash just about any team but you do need semit competent teamates. You can even search for your solder and link to the stats here. Example mine: http://www.battlefield1943.com/soldier/profile/180496747/360
  14. Pizza and Hot Dogs dude. The only place I remember the name of to eat at is Wiener's Circle. You'll have a good time there! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wieners_Circle Also I highly recommend the Museum of Art (as seen in Ferris Bueler), Shedd Aquarium and the Museum of Science and Industry (some crazy crazy stuff hidden away there).
  15. Dang, these are some nice pics. Aren't any of you worried about them being stolen and considered watermarking? Some of my pics I would die if they were copied and sold or something. I'll put up some mummies and shit from the Middle East
  16. Here is how it works (if you remember me posting her 2 months ago about headbutting my drunken ass roommate and then I had him thrown out). You get a restraining order against you and they can temporarily bar you any access to them or contact. If they call you or come around you there is nothing they can do to prevent you from beating their ass (if they are at your house I am talking about), but don't text back. Basically you go in and file your own charges immediately and a court date will come (or you can just go in and request a date if you don't want to file it... but I recommend it). Whoever shows up at the court date and convinces the judge wins. You can't just file against someone without having to prove it. Lucky for them you left a paper trail of texts.. or for you, whichever.
  17. You actually like your mom and she is in the hospital. Meanwhile all kinds of evil mothers-in-law roam freely. That is some serious injustice.
  18. I can tell you like fireworks as much as I do, because your lens is all steamed up. I can't tell you what I bought yet because I'll be getting them Saturday. Wisconsin has the best fireworks nowadays. I remember when we used to have to know a truck driver or someone coming from the Dakotas or Missouri to get good ones.
  19. Credit Unions are fantastic. They should have something for you. If you realllly want to build credit (not just have plastic to throw around) buy a car and get a cosigner. After that get a signature loan and just pay it off as soon as possible. You do need to have some revolving credit though. Its sort of like a tripod of stability they want you to have: revolving, unsecured, secured. I'm off to bed anyhow, let us know what you find out tomorrow.
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