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Everything posted by Bunker

  1. So since your in the boro will I see you at some MECA shows
  2. Bounce dat a** h** is alright and Shopping spree is as well don't really care for the rest.
  3. The highest you can go bro is mp4 on youtube the quality will not be higher trust me I was in the same boat as your in right now on quality and for the money and where i would be uploading my videos at the HAVA was the best for me but if you want to spend more money then you have to go ahead I have used a bunch of cap cards and I learn from my mistakes as you will. Compare the same game bro or ask the guy what cap card he is using and what format.
  4. Here you go man he found one for you but your still limited to mp4 the same as I showed you so the quality will be the same.
  5. The hava only goes to 480. There isn't anything that you can buy within a good price range for 720p because they don't make it for video game systems yet so good luck on finding it. If you knew anything about youtube you would know they butcher the video quality. Also good luck finding sites that will allow you to upload 720p videos without paying hosting fees that takes bandwith that I'm pretty sure you cant afford. I have given you one of the best on the market for recording video games, take it or leave it.
  6. If you have a HD TV then this is what you need http://myhava.com/products.html And this is the quality you will get from the hava http://www.youtube.com/user/CoachBunker Watch in HD
  7. Remember this later down the road you will thank him for this post.
  8. If you need some scrims sometimes hit me up Gt= Coach Bunker Mainly putting this up for the leader of the SMD team so he or she isn't in the dark when playing sore losers.
  9. How to record clan match proof a must have in gamebattles clan matches. A camera is ok unless they cheat or leave and you don't have the time to take a picture. I use a HAVA platinum hd, you can use a Dazzle but no hd. http://www.youtube.com/user/CoachBunker 1) Record the whole match. 2) Edit rounds won and lost with final kill and score. 3) Upload to youtube. IF 4) They dispute you submit ticket with youtube link. 5) They will change the score or get locked. Good luck to the SMD team in MW2 hope to see you around sometime.
  10. It's new skin forming. Now you need to go and get (Aquaphor Healing Ointment) and put it on twice a day and cover with gauze or band-aid.
  11. Sorry, I thought this was the right section which one does it belong in.
  12. Location = Lanes, Trains, & Automobiles, 450 Butler Drive, 37218 (I-24, exit 81, behind Alexander Toyota, cross RR tracks Registration at 10 AM, Judging at 11:30 AM
  13. I was raised the same way. My saying is if your right your right and if your wrong your wrong. Trust is a big issue with me as well I don't give out second chances. People are always looking for someone else to blame except for themselves, a work place is a good example.
  14. I wouldn't pay 800 for a box. I'm sure someone can draw one up for you to go by.
  15. I'm no pro at pricing box builds, but what all is he going to do to the box. Might be easier just to get someone to help you from the forum that lives close that builds boxes.
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