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Everything posted by z_ro

  1. exactly i drink at home when i drink. I NEVER drink when im out.
  2. but you're talking about a drunk driver hitting him. You would be saving this chicks ass by Doing that. You truly are a better man then i Red. When i was rear ended JUST a tad i blew up on the guy. I called police. I took pictures. The dude begged me not to but i didn't give a fuck. It was HIS fault, and HE Payed for it. I have NO sympathy for any one driving drunk. I have lost two cousins and a fiancee to drunk drivers.
  3. ummmm si? no wait i dont think thats spanish. ummmm Dah? no wait i know thats still not right.... well fuck i give up. *smiles and nods*
  4. shorty got her eyes on me was the shit! off the top of my head my favorites were but not limited to: Just about any jagged edge Playa - Cheers to you L.S.G. - My Body(got me laid ALOT Keith sweat -twisted Shai - if i ever fall in love case - im missing you blackstreet - dont leave me And i joke about it but lionel ritchie - hello is a guilty pleasure(plus the epic guitar solo in the end is bad ass) aaliyah - one in a million is badass cause its a LOW hitting song All of the above are just a few that i thought of lol
  5. right now two 12" diamond d3's. I didn't build the box so i dont know what its tuned to. (forgive my newbness) The notes just around 45-50 Hz Hit hardest for me. (no idea what that would be tuned to.) like i said before i'm a Total newb when it comes to this stuff. So dont laugh at me lol
  6. well definitely new amp, Im still not set on this one yet though. And new subs: i'm Highly considering two 12" DC Level 3's. After i want to replace factory speakers with some nice component speakers. This is just for everyday bangin. I dont do competitions so its not a sport for me I've just always wanted a nice set up and im slowly tryin to make it happen. lol
  7. Im considering building another box, but i have no idea what im doing with it lol. But thanks bro. Im about ready to upgrade in a couple of months when i can get some money saved
  8. did you mean Repost? lol Yeah i remember seeing that and laughing my ass off lol. i was like lol
  9. nothing special. Towards the end i see a cop roll by so i cut it completely lol Dont make fun of me either i know its not impressive lol. EDIT: Here is part 2
  10. lol yeah you can go until 21. that is the age that they MAKE you pay for it if you wanna pursue it lol. But thats a relief lol. Its still just really weird to see lmfao.
  11. East Houston (near the ship channel)
  12. man i feel for you and all man. times are rough and all but, Something is fucking with me. You're going on 26, and your girl is still in high school? I don't want to come off as a jerk but how old is she? :|
  13. There can only be ONE SCREW. Everything everyone else does is just slowed down and chopped up Not to knock ya bro but do you just get music and stream it? Do you really not know what a clipped signal is? :01nocomment8so:
  14. and you can cry if you want to? JKJK lol . HAPPY BDAY!
  15. not to sound like a fag but this sounds alot like the plot from Pearl Harbor.(ex loved that movie) anyway I find it fucked in the first place that he could do that to his "brother." But at the same time i guess To each their own. I personally would have ended my friendship with both of them. Only because you had MAJOR plans with her and they didn't work out. Like all your plans you had are being played out by a guy who HAD to have had a crush on her while you were dating her. Otherwise he wouldn't have asked. He broke the Cardinal rule. You NEVER mess with a homeboy's girl or ex. Just my .02. If you're happy for them, good for you. I, on the other hand, am not that big of a man.
  16. well fuck me running... lol i was CONVINCED it was pimp c lol. To me it's pimp's style reincarnated. And i was right about the southern style. I feel like less of a texan for not knowing who it was though
  17. My wife was like "what the fuck?? YOU bought a book?!?" lol (apparently she says i dont read enough lol)
  18. Shipping estimate: October 5, 2009 - October 7, 2009 :| soon enough i guess
  19. my boy used to fuck some chick down in dickinson and used to take me with him for her cousins... lol Need less to say... III had alot of fun down there. lol TX is the spot yo. lol
  20. eastside. A lil hood called Magnolia. Or Magnolia park(as the city refers to it) lol Not Magnolia tx. East side houston tx near the ship channel.
  21. buahahaha my email is banned from that forum? WTF? Ive never even seen that thing before lol Edit: Pftt signed up with my ninja email. :ph34r:
  22. for real?!? Why the fuck am i still holding a old school tape deck to the radio and trying to record my songs like that? :(
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