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Everything posted by ALPINE408

  1. sorry bro my bosses daughter is fighting leukemia right now does not look good for her stay up and we will pray for you
  2. Cheap x over on the amp if its a problem run fullrange and get a better external xover Nvm I'm wrong thanks ray
  3. Friends truck was doing 162's with all. Cca. Cabels Its not what's in your ride its how you use ir
  4. A big thing about box rise it only works when. The subs are playing a note so if you are wired to .5 ohms everytime the subs stop the amp is still seeing that .5 ohms and can still damage the amp that is bad mmmmkay don't count on box rise for this purpose Again if I need more power I buy a bigger or a second amp this is the only correct and safe way of adding power anything below manufacturers recommended specss is asking for if the amp blows its your fault the amp is not crap nor is the. Company you are just stupid for risking your equipment for a few hundred more watts
  5. I never run below manufacturers recommended impedance any more to many problems if I need more power I get a bigger amp Plus for that few hundred extra Watts your making way more thd current draw and heat all bad things So put it this way running lower ohms Pro More power Cons More heat More thd More current draw And there is allways the possibality to blow your shit up Cons highly out weights the 1 pro
  6. Fucking love you sandy I have been saying that for years
  7. LOL if you knew why was none of the those answers in your first post? All you talked about was voltage. High voltage with no amps or current behind it is just as useless as a. Are with square wheels
  8. Its actually because of a way higher current draw that causes voltage dip Kthanksbye
  9. What's funny is my teammates street Max car was doing 158's and needed a cap with no blown subs its not what's in there its how you use it Oh ya cool story bro
  10. Alpine f1 status is still one of my favs When you say best there are gonna be 1200 and up in price h/u listed
  11. If it got. Cleaner it has nothing to do with the 8 volts your gain is not a volume knob all it does is match the output to your input so if you double voltage the gain has to come down and works just as hard as it did before If it got. Cleaner then the line driver had a a better signal or cleaned up the signal from your deck
  12. If you need more than 4 volt preouts there is something in your system you are lacking
  13. you can get a stock alt rewound for higher output my buddies has his 60 amp wound up to 220 amps and has been good for over 4 years only problem it puts out nothing at idle only at 1500 rpm and up
  14. How did we become a nation of depressed pussys? Ooh nos someone talked shit about me on the internet that know nothing about me I must report you or kill myself Fucking pussys not everyone is gonna like you get over it you don't have to read and reply to everything
  15. lol there is a way to get around that i had a deal with earthquake audio i got subs right from there build house big ass letters saying MADE IN CHINA then i open the china box and on there retail box in big red leters MADE IN THE USA!!!! lol
  16. no wall builds??? so you have to get a wall for the deal? sounds like your saying ssnw are not allowed lol
  17. Liquid. Nails is garbage for a box you can take the box apart and peal the liquid nails off I have done 160 dBS with just wood glue and screws sealed just fine w ithout a drop of fiberglass
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