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S.O.T.M. Winner
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Status Replies posted by OrionStang

  1. Just found out I am briefing big brass tomorrow. Awesome. Hua?

  2. My system in the new car will be as follows...2x vibe monobox @ 1.3Ohm (2500watts rms roughly) 6 jbl gt5 (350watts rms each) Either flat box, or wall, will be tuned about 30 hz PC2250 Odyssey dry cell in back (daisy chained to front)Unregulating the standard altenator

  3. And I got ear-f*cked by sky high's truck again & by the dc audio van today!

  4. And I got ear-f*cked by sky high's truck again & by the dc audio van today!

  5. And I got ear-f*cked by sky high's truck again & by the dc audio van today!

  6. The DC van is straight nasty. I almost wanted to tap. Didn't get to hear two I really wanted to hear, Skyhigh and Ray (DC98Hoe). I did get showered in glass when my boy Cal gave me a demo in his Eclipse and destroyed his windshield. Awesome day!

  7. Two for one burgers, f*ck yes! Breakfast tomorrow

  8. No pork or beef for the last 2 weeks . Doctor App yesterday , My Blood Pressure was the best in last 5 years. 130/79 Also lost 3 lb. ...No exercise , but have been just doing stuff . oh if anybody don't have a New wave oven go get one This thing cooks food just right

  9. No pork or beef for the last 2 weeks . Doctor App yesterday , My Blood Pressure was the best in last 5 years. 130/79 Also lost 3 lb. ...No exercise , but have been just doing stuff . oh if anybody don't have a New wave oven go get one This thing cooks food just right

  10. Enjoying a few cold beers. Fuck yes.

  11. Hunger Games in two hours!

  12. Anyone else bothered by the fact that people will readily call 911 over little things like loud noises, but if there is a car accident or someone passed out on the sidewalk or something, people look the other way?

  13. Gettin' closer to being walled. Check out my build.

  14. Gettin' closer to being walled. Check out my build.

  15. Keep in mind, lots of people here post "their" opinions. Just because they have a high post count, does not mean they know it all. If a guy is telling you to get 2 XS D3100s, a 3rd XS under the hood and a 270+amp alt to run 2000wrms, He maybe a fucking idiot!

  16. Anyone know the easiest way to fix torn spiders?

  17. Can someone please nominate me for system of the month i cant figure out how and im new here http://www.stevemead...6-chevy-camaro/

  18. some guy just offered my 200 for all 3 of my dd3515. ok there reason i hate craigslist cuz people always low balling u trying get good deal. when there already good deal.

  19. After using mostly 10's and 12's for the past 3 years, these 18's look really big LOL.

  20. just kind weird when u post DD3515 on craigslist for 350 and u get no text or calls. its really just sad cuz people buy kicker, alpine, etc over it cuz they don't know what it is.

  21. Highly debating on a rebuild...before the original build is ever finished. A half wall kinda thing.

  22. Guess what is on UPS vehicle for delivery. I can't fucking wait.

  23. number of wires left to run in the truck...... 0 Damn that feels good.

  24. number of wires left to run in the truck...... 0 Damn that feels good.

  25. Guess what is on UPS vehicle for delivery. I can't fucking wait.

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