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Everything posted by inm

  1. Personally, I think it's a natural disaster preparedness article, dressed up with zombies. Just about every other thing has something along the lines of "OR tornado/hurricane" Very clever, in my opinion. This is something people will actually read. No one will read natural disaster preparedness stuff and do it. They might do this, though.
  2. Ahh thank you very much! I've been looking for something like that for a while now.
  3. Just saying, if you use the Advanced Editor, you can change the thread title.
  4. I like how at the 53 second mark, he emphasizes that the cap and amp are ALL. WIRED. edit- LMFAO LOOK AT THE GUYS OTHER VIDEOS. LIKE WTF.
  5. Away from the bay. After they've been taken down/relocated numerous times, I don't trust that place anymore. Your best best would be to find a private torrent tracker. I won't name any because it's against the rules. Also, I was joking about getting a picture, just being an asshat.
  6. So wait... If the router doesn't share the hard drive or whatever with the other computers on the network, what's the point of the USB port? Or did I read your post wrong?
  7. I laughed so hard at the penguins seen. Omfg.
  8. DIhydroge = 2 hydrogens. Also, I pulled this on someone earlier, to prove that when dumb people use words they don't understand, they get scared.
  9. God damn, have you read the comments people are saying?
  10. +1 The holes in my box ain't pretty, but they get the job done.
  11. Alright, recently, I had been planning on running a CAT5 from my mom's office to my bedroom to a 5 port switch, so I could have my TV (One of those Vizio ones with Apps), my 360, my PS3, and my computer all hardwired instead of wireless. But, recently, the technology teacher at my school setup a new router in the class that has a USB port. I realize this is pretty standard now, but I had forgotten about it. I'm started leaning towards an actual router now, instead of a switch, because of that. I just had a few questions first. 1) Are there any switches that have USB built in? Or is that something only wireless routers have? 2) If I have a hard drive plugged in the USB of my router, will it also share with computers that are connected to the other router, since the two routers will be connected? 3) If I have a hard drive plugged in the USB of my router, will my 360 and PS3 see it? 4) What are some suggestions for a cheap router with USB? (Or switch, if they have one.) Only needs to be B/G, and doesn't need wide range at all. Thanks in advance.
  12. Not to get off topic, but in Cali, drinking and driving on private property is legal? Wow...here on the other end of the US in South Carolina, the law states anyone in "control" of the vehicle can be charged anywhere in the state...private property or not..even on mopeds and lawnmowers...if it has a motor, you can be charged. And the way the law reads, if you are in a bar, and you have the keys to a vehicle in your pocket, you are the one that is in "control" of the vehicle. Kinda messed up aint it? SC don't play with DUI laws not one bit... I thought the keys in pocket thing only applied if you're sitting in the driver's seat of the vehicle.
  13. Look around the Member Build section. Plenty of people use it.
  14. inm

    Miller Lite

    Aren't you like 15?
  15. Ehh, while we're posting about it. I have both systems, and I can honestly say I like 360 better. The PS3 servers always seem to be down (not talking about the network being down, but like not being able to connect to game lobbies) and I prefer the 360 button layout instead of having the joysticks next to each other. As for what someone said earlier about BluRay, I completely agree. That's the main reason I've kept my PS3 now. That, and LittleBigPlanet.
  16. That's exactly what I was saying in that other thread. Look at every post this imking guys has made.. Most of them contain either just a smiley, or sometimes he'll quote someone and not add anything... Definitely post dumping.
  17. I got my mom a new charm for her Pandora bracelet.
  18. Third brake light it about to fall off. Driver's door window trim is about to fall of as well. Not much else except where body panels rub together and seem to be sanding each other.
  19. Literally. Most popular name in the US. Second most popular name in the world.
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