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Everything posted by inm

  1. The last I heard, modded controllers don't even work with MW2 because of patching and what not. Unless that's changed, he would literally be wasting his money.
  2. I would still suggest trying a new disk. Just borrow a buddy's for a day. Just to rule out that possibility.
  3. How good is your connection? And it could possibly be your disc. I would suggest you try another disc. It may be scratched where data for online play is. The game would still load, but it wouldn't load correctly, like what's happening.
  4. Aww hell, might as well join in, meant to ask soon anyway. 2 Level 3 15"s to 23139
  5. File -> Export -> 2D Graphic Upload to photobucket. Post with IMG tags
  6. my buddy Harris got one tonight. I might redo this clip, it doesn't show the kill that great...
  7. Sent you an email, but I might as well post here as well. Not sure how much I like it, but I came up with Death Tones, but then Tone Death. I can't decide which one I like better... Here's a simple little sketch. If you like the idea I can try to elaborate on the drawing... Couldn't really think of any better name ideas. (Note, these were obviously done very quickly, and the drawing needs more done to it. I was just trying to throw a little idea together.)
  8. If it's been a year, I take back what I said. Charge him for replacements.
  9. I don't know who you guys here feel about "mixed" or "fruity" drinks, but whatever. Little Hugs + Vodka (pick your favorite) = delicious. Don't measure, just mix. Personally, I like it with Absolut. Another that my girl just recently tried at a "girls night" with her friends, was Skittle vodka. I don't know what kind of vodka, they used, but you soak about 30 skittles (on flavor) with about 1 and 1/2 cups, and its apparently great. I haven't tried it, but I probably will this weekend.
  10. +1 If he came to you with a good attitude, and wasn't a dick about, I would go ahead and do it. Or at least at a discounted price. If he came to you, blaming it on you, demanding help, do it for full price or don't do it all.
  11. Really! F*** thats pretty loud, much louder than me. He doesn't even have a car.
  12. Do you see the line between what I say in my post, and where it has the "'98 Chevy Blazer" and my system? Everything below that line is my signature. At the very top of the page, click your name, then settings, and find your signature. Then add those pictures to your signature, so you don't have to post them every time you make a post. Sorry I'm completely avoiding the topic at hand, this has just bothered me every time I see you post. edit- Fuck it, I'll play along as well. The system I have now is the one I had in school, seeing as I'm still in school... Hahha
  13. This is something that has been bothering me for a bit. Do you not know how to make a signature? Or do you just prefer to post those pictures in every post?
  14. You've clogged your tubes. But in all seriousness: Google CCleaner, install. Analyze cleaner, run. Cleans out all your temporary files and what not.
  15. Did the game end early? Nope... My buddy got the winning kill, so I know it didn't end early...
  16. Oh hahaah damn. I'll add you later bro AWESOME! I have heard Summit is the easiest map to catch a random hawk from spawn, I'll just keep trying! Yeah, this was like from the very beginning of the game. I got one on Jungle earlier today, but it doesn't show in my recent match list for some reason... fucking campers i cant play fucking anon cock suckers Fuck Anon (get a 360. >.> lolololol)
  17. Dude no way, really? I added you and sent you a message... Hahaha yep
  18. It's really nothing special at all, I was just proud of myself... Hahaha
  19. Alright thanks! That's what I had thought it was, but I was never 100% sure. To the OP: Sorry for thread jacking, it was just the same topic.
  20. Just to get it straight... Grounding is really just completely the connection, right? The chassis just acts as a connection to completely the circuit going back to the battery? Which would explain why the best option is to run the ground all the way to the battery itself? Or is this completely wrong?
  21. Call me a noob, but why do bad grounds effect dimming? I never understood that... May as well learn now...
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