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Everything posted by 97SSBlazer

  1. Any good PSU will have the Amp rating of the Rail(s) on the side. A good PSU can put out ~30 Amps per rail so you might be able to CAREFULLY power a smaller amp. I would recommend a 12V car battery with a little charger on it, that how we do our test bench in my shop
  2. I always told my parents it would make me money. All through High school I made money doing odd jobs. Last summer I prolly made 3-4 grand cash doing side jobs. Now I work at a big shop in my home town. So I was right . I'm 22 now and I moved out @ 18 so they didn't really have much to bitch about, and I always bought my own cars too.
  3. Well "LilTeddyP" and I just finished making my new "big 3". This is by far the VERY Best wire I have ever used. I have not used Kicker or Knu but I have heard Good things about them.
  4. kinda figured the same thing but my boss was like "Dude its less than 2 feet"
  5. Is it worth it to upgrade my 4AWG Big 3 to RF 0AWG? The longest piece will be ~22" long. The guys at my shop dont think so but i have about 15 of RF 0 gauge laying here and 20 More on the way with my 2500.1BDCP. I have a "GM High-output" 140 amp alt and 2 (Soon to be 3) batteries. I ordered a XS VCM too if that matters....
  6. RF contacted me today to tell me that they are now sold out of the old T1 15's. So NOW I'm forced to use 4 T1D212's on a 2500.1BD CP. The only problem is that the 2500.1 BD CP will not ship til the first week in July . So for now I'm bang less.
  7. I guess I should have specified CONSTANT POWER. I talked to Eric and RF today and he said i can expect ~3300RMS @ 1 ohm and ~3100 @ 2 ohms. Its kinda hard to know about a product that just started shipping this week. My shop doesn't even stock this amp and the "used guide" only covers 500.1 to 1500.1 so there is no info there. I don't have any literature on the product because its so new and we don't stock it.
  8. In my 97 4 door blazer what kinda numbers should I expect? What are the RF 2500.1's REALLY putting out @ 1 ohms RMS? The subs are rated at 600 RMS Each and I know I'll easily have that. What can the T115D2's actually handle? I'm an authorized RF dealer and get the equipment CHEAP so im not looking for idea's on other subs or amps...
  9. I was just curious what people are using to keep their rims clean. I used to use Eagle One A2Z Foam rim and tire cleaner on my old Black rims but now that I have the chrome rims im still looking. I used some Mothers Chrome/Wire wheel Mist today that worked decent.
  10. when I do the big 3 i use the same ground for the battery and the engine block. I own 2 2nd gen blazers so i just use the bolt on the back of the alt its self. On my alts there is a random bolt on the top back of the alt so its very easy. I never have fused the wire from the alt (+) to (+) battery post but have thought about it a few times. I don't think a fuse would hurt just in case.
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