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Everything posted by STEvil

  1. I dont mean to be spamming and I hope this is not seen as such, my apologies if it is seen as such. Anyways, onto my spiel (click this link if you want to skip it and already know what UBB is http://openmedia.ca/meter): Recently the CRTC (Canadian Radio-televsion Telecommunications Commission) allowed Bell and Rogers to implement data caps and overage fees in their networks and apply these data caps (and retroactive the overage fees) to other ISP's who tap into their networks. This would be fine if the data caps and overage fees were of a reasonable amount. They are not. For example in the US Comcast attempted to apply data caps of 250GB and were shut down by the public very well. In Canada for a 5Mb package the data limit is 25GB in Ontario (60GB in Quebec for some reason). Data overage fees are set at $2 PER GB. I know not all packages will be like this and thankfully at least one ISP has somewhat stood-up against this (technically 2). Telus has stated publicly on TV that they will not enforce the data caps. If this holds true remains to be seen. Techsavvy has done what they could to keep the data caps from happening. Unfortunately the CRTC is full of old bell and rogers employees who are easily swayed. What can we do? I am going to be making up some posters and putting them up at high traffic areas around my home town. Hopefully it raises some outrage. Openmedia.ca is running an email campaign. If you wish you add your name to it please do so, and pass on this link to the website. Its a quick and painless process to add your voice to the email campaign: http://openmedia.ca/meter
  2. STEvil


    Tune with EQ set how you like it, or off if you dont like to EQ your settings. Adjusting the EQ after tuning for clipping defeats the purpose.
  3. I'll bet its a control/a-arm bushing out or tie-rod end that are worn/gone.
  4. My guess its its relegated to bandpass tuning (sealed chamber acts as the sealed part of the bandpass while the rest of the open area acts as the "ported" volume, would require specific tuning to the vehicle. I think the 165+ guys do this a lot ) and/or at vocal frequencies and higher only.
  5. Corner stress is only something to worry about with the MTX squares. Kicker and Hifonics have the issue sorted. Not sure on the Crunch squares, never seen them pushed hard enough. I like square subs but in the end they're just not build as good as an equivalent round sub.
  6. probably an Opti 500x2 : http://media.photobucket.com/image/lanzar%20opti500x2/smgreen2043/DSC01536.jpg edit For some reason that link wont work for me now.. so click this one instead. Smaller, but oh well. http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l278/smgreen2043/DSC01536.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.caraudio.com/forums/amplifiers/419723-lanzar-opti-500x2.html&usg=__mK4DfHBSPV812tFwAG_DM_pd4QA=&h=600&w=800&sz=50&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=QDeY6pgSzuKPLM:&tbnh=123&tbnw=154&ei=Do06TcXIEYXEsAPghY2MAw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlanzar%2Bopti500x2%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1G1GGLQ_ENCA358%26biw%3D1813%26bih%3D924%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=643&vpy=72&dur=151&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=163&ty=131&oei=Do06TcXIEYXEsAPghY2MAw&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=62&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0
  7. There can be big gains when its done right, but when you go overboard with the mutli-layer baffle its not doing anything. About 3 layers of 1" is usually enough for a wall, assuming you add a bit of internal bracing too. Maybe 4 layers if you're doing a 4x18 or something more.. As to the multiple 4/0 2/0 1/0 0/0 etc runs, yeah you've missed them. They're there. Some people go a little overkill with them though, and i've seen a lot of them improperly insulated (read my sig).
  8. cut a hole in the center of the rear seat and fire the port straight up through it (stand the port up like a center console). Even sealed the 4 kicker 10's I had in the pic there pounded pretty good on only about 1700w RMS.
  9. 4x10's in something like this: http://s216.photobucket.com/albums/cc232/STEviltoo/4x%20square%2010%20box1/
  10. No, dont use the Corsair PSU's. If you do use a PSU you must use all of the +12v wires.
  11. Hey guys, anyone a fan of Pendulum? I tossed this together and have nothing worthy to test it on at the moment.. so let me know if i'm doing it "right" Song is "Set Me on Fire" by Pendulum. http://www.zshare.net/audio/8513510927b1ca2e/
  12. http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/90529-smd-15-an-in-depth-look/ Looks like ~7KW is "ok" on an SMD.. so I might be looking more into this direction
  13. That is what i've been doing, but it limits installation options sometimes... Wenn_du_weinst - re-read my 10K quote please.
  14. Room isnt an issue if its bolted really. I was actually thinking of going to an SMD but 10KW may be too much for one
  15. Off-road was the cause of two failures, the other got dropped (and inch maybe) when pulling it out of a flush-mount.
  16. Slugs and plates. I've had 3 subs shift the magnets now. First was a cliffe designs 15 (MA Audio rebadge, had decent parts in it), second was an Earthquake dbxi 15, and just a while ago an 18" Fi Q.. I'm not expecting indestructible but they gotta withstand some offroad action..
  17. Who does this for their entire (or mostly entire..) product lineup? Reason i'm asking is i've had magnets lose alignment due to large jolts and i'm looking to avoid this in the future. If at all possible I will no longer be purchasing from manufacturers who only glue the motor/magnet structure in place..
  18. I did that with 4 Kicker 10's (two L7's and two L5's) in a sealed box on a Lanzar Opti2000D (wired @ 0.5 ohm so just under 2KW RMS) and it was pretty nice. If you're not afraid of splitting the seat in half you could have the box come up between the seats for more volume and put the port in it facing upwards out the top back.
  19. Lanzar Opti-2000D, though they will smoke if you run them too long.
  20. make the box taller (right to the top of the seats or edge of back window) and/or have the port extend out of the box that far (like the first box posted). Also if you flare the mouth of the port (and make the port larger..) it will help.
  21. port looks way small in thet box with the 8's. Inset the 8's and you'll get a bit of legroom back.
  22. Modified a Corsiar Obsidian 800D to fit an HPTX motherboard tray for my SR-2 system.... More pictures in the album: http://s216.photobucket.com/albums/cc232/STEviltoo/Obsidian%20800D/
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