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Mr Bigolsworth

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Status Updates posted by Mr Bigolsworth

  1. Pretty excited I found a local lumber yard that's $10 a sheet of Mdf cheaper then lowes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr Bigolsworth

      Mr Bigolsworth

      Gonna go pick up a few sheets

    3. Mr Bigolsworth

      Mr Bigolsworth

      I understand but there isn't much around here. So limited on options.

  2. pretty happy that my 4th order will play 18hz songs. was only shooting for mid 20hz range. now just need more power.

    1. moredbs


      are you gonna share this build with us?

    2. Mr Bigolsworth

      Mr Bigolsworth

      Once I get all the pics together. Still getting things together.

  3. Purchased a iMac 27. Pretty sweet computer. Could have funded my whole audio build tho. :-/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MrSkippyJ


      Nice. After using a Mac for the last 7 years or so I can't ever see my self going back. Those iMac though...tough pill to swallow $$$ wise.

    3. Mr Bigolsworth

      Mr Bigolsworth

      Mr Skippy3, like i said i spent close to what doing my whole system would cost. But looking forward to using it to edit music and for processing ability. Went ahead and spent the extra $ to buy the best iMac i could. Plus got a nice student discount and a apple gift card and using the larger screen as a T.V in my bedroom so getting multiple uses from my IMAC.

    4. MrSkippyJ


      Don't get me wrong, I love Macs. I went the Mac Mini route though.

  4. so once i get to japan ill start a r32 GTR build log for y'all. prob just an 8in or 12in sub something for sure.

  5. walk outside to leave and got a package. SMD sunflash maybe i won't leave for the weekend to visit my girlfriend.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mrd6


      oh wait, except you don't have to mix sunfish...shit

    3. Jhunt94
  6. Well been in the desert for over a week and must say it's awesome to load a fighter up and see it come back empty. Being directly part of this fight over here is awesome. MERICA

    1. OrionStang


      Good to hear from you. Stay safe.

  7. Well its been real my SMD family. Prob won't see me on again till I'm in the desert.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. meade916


      right on man stay in touch with us!! we will still be here when you get back!

    3. Soccerballzs


      Keep the Flag flying !! God Bless!

    4. Tecomah


      Get back in one piece man

  8. well looks like ill be deploying sooner then i thought. May only see my around once in a while starting next for days.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Soccerballzs
    3. moredbs


      much respect for what you do for our country.putting in work!

  9. Well made my first big boy amp purchase today. An scv6k. Big step from the Saz-3500

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Miguels


      im guessing he means that is useless because dynamic has different loads not just stay at 1 ohm like the dyno test it at. i dont think you will ever see 8k on the scv6k on music unless you get lucky and get it at 1ohm

    3. Mr Bigolsworth

      Mr Bigolsworth

      Btw single input was referring to the 4k. I'm aware the 6k has duel inputs.

    4. Raptorman


      Dynamic is useless because that test uses a signal that is 100mS long for 40 Hz, and 20mS long for 1k Hz. If you think the music you listen to has 100mS long basslines in it, then by all means, buy into it.

  10. well ordered my recones thursday and blew a voicecoil today. hopefully those recones get here soon.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr Bigolsworth

      Mr Bigolsworth

      i retuned my amp with the dd1 to -15db to try and blow my subs and they didn't like it after about 45min full tilt they started smoking. was 1.4ohms before now showing 3.2ohms. wanna find what coils are good and hook my scv6k to them.

    3. scooter99


      I have a pair of XL15's D1.4's bnib and a pair of recones and baskets, all with AR cones. Those will take it and laugh.

    4. Mr Bigolsworth

      Mr Bigolsworth

      I've got 18's thanks tho.

  11. woot my gallon of SMD sunflash shipped.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr Bigolsworth

      Mr Bigolsworth

      well you can buy a gallon but its 4x1 liter cans. save some $$$

    3. meade916


      actually i can ship a gallon :) I need to change the 4 quart can thing.

      let me know how you like!

    4. Mr Bigolsworth

      Mr Bigolsworth

      much appreciated. never fiberglassed before but want to on my next box for strength and water proof. make this box stand the test of time if i can. even tho i know a few months after i finish it ill prob do something bigger next.

  12. Yo bassman made it on the chive with his jeep.

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