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Everything posted by basshead

  1. well as the title says one of my gats got jacked outta my car last weekend while i was working late at tha shop it was my fault i left my windows down while parked on tha side of the building @ 2:30am normally i would keep it on me when im on tha late nite tip but i was slippin anyway it really bummed me out so i ordered this to make me feel better its a major diff from 9mm to .45 LOL its a ruger P345 PHOENIX EDITION .45 ACP with 24kt gold phoenix logos and classic american scrollwork on each side its a collectors piece only 500 were made the guys at the local gun shop almost shit themselves when i told them it was gonna be my daily concealed carry piece
  2. i want my 5 secs back.............................that sucked monkey nutz
  3. you musta been tha kid in school that got picked on and never got over it
  4. thats bull that amp puts out over 2000wrms @ 1 ohm
  5. ratboy got banned P.S this pic really looks like him too
  6. bro it takes all of two hours to do a full feature remote start alarm on most cars all you need is a wiring diagram and some prior exp on alarm installing and its a cakewalk...........................anyway as for galaxy alarms they are a good product i have never had a fautly unit and i have em on all my personal rides so IMO its a damn good product for the price......................not $550 tho
  7. i sell skytek "GALAXY" alarms at my shop and a full feature remote start alarm with 2-way pager cost me $105 dealer cost and the motion sensor acc is $16 plus 3 relays for starter kill and the remote start ignition bypass = $125 my cost and i charge $349-$399 for the alarm & install so $550 for the alarm and install is really high i think you should get another price quote @ a diff shop IMO i think it it should be a crime for shops to overcharge honset hard working people like that
  8. man i could care less i never have understood why celebrities get such high praises ok homeboy can rap , or this chick can act or this losers dad could wrestle i mean seriously why should i care how muck coke lindsey lohan tooted up her nose b4 she crashed her car IMO this celebrty shit has gone too far
  9. i cant believe i just wasted 15 mins of my life reading that thread................SMD was that first forum i ever posted in and if thats what the rest of the forums have to offer i'll never stray away LOL
  10. just go back to tha shop and tell em that there was no plug in the box they should fix ya up
  11. man that whole clip was funny i've sent it to 5 peoples myspace pages already LOL
  12. i've heard alot of knowledgeable people talk shit about using caps and i've never understood it every single time i use a cap i see a significant decrease in the voltage drain i've rarely seen it totally solve a power issue BUT it does help so IMO as long as you buy a quality cap that is in the right farad range for you amp wattage it is worth buying
  13. man i've never watched a vid of car audio bein played at high volume and the music was that clear IMO that shit sounds amazing
  14. the only person i know of that used that beat was E-40 and tha song was called Big Ballin' with My Homies
  15. i must say 158 aint easy burp or on music and i dont give a shit who he is his setup is bangin it dont matter what kinda car , truck , van , or suv you got if you break 150 you are doin tha damn thang and anything over 155 on music is tha shit
  16. shit sounds like its knockin and it looks like you got your voltage under control i wish i could do tha same
  17. well i been through both of the setups you asked about in my Z-28's i've had 3 10's & 2 12's and both setups were on over 1200wrms but i was never happy until now i stuffed 2 15's in my hatch on about 2k watts and im very pleased check out tha build it might give you some ideas http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/ind...amp;hl=basshead
  18. that album aint really all that old it was released in early summer of 2005 but tha song i like from B.G that really hits is "DONT TALK TO ME" that shit slams on a nice sealed system
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