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Everything posted by parton226

  1. x2 on the easy schedule and isnt this in the wrong section lol?
  2. lakers have had their time to shine and plenty of it lol. james should get one for sure he deserves it imho but that my just be me lol
  3. just look at reputable brands that actually put out what they claim i.e. sundown, audioque, Rf, etc etc... Keep looking on here and youll see all kinds of cool stuff
  4. did you ever get some measurements and specs or did you make a decision on what your gonna do?
  5. not really sure what to say about it lol... and for the people talking about the blood and stuff they run formaldahyde through the entire system lol it preserves everything... they also use that stuff in cigarette filters (just a random fact for the smokers, im included there)
  6. i would do it too bro i know about the whole dad leavin then comin back and tryin to be all well yeah lol i say do it
  7. a smooth round port that flares on the end... http://www.psp-inc.com/products_6.html this is a link to Precision ports website
  8. measurements of the useable space for the box to fit in itll tell me how much you can play with for the size of the box... also what are the specs of your subs? Aero ports are supposed to be the best most people just go slotted though
  9. DDlincolnon22s build? pwk boxes are normally good but from all that ive seen he does mostly t-lines and bandpass types instead of traditional ported stuff it all depends on what you want though... if you just want normal ported it would probably be better to just design one up but hey thats just my opinion.... what are your measurements?
  10. man Torres on here has a pretty good box calc it works i use it lol
  11. that kicks so much ass! lol thanks for postin that up twistedchild
  12. its law in tennessee too, im guilty of it though i dont do it often though like everyone else just at stop lights or on an open highway.. it is a good law though people do all kinds of stupid shit when they text and drive. just tonight i saw a chick bout roll up under a truck while she was textin then she swerved like hell to not hit it. could have been bad lol
  13. May I join? You said as long as it's not stock and at least amplified so I'm gonna put my name on the list Right now ive got two MTX 12" on 1k but im starting a new build in a month or so of 2 18" AQ HDC3's and 2 AQ2200d's in my blazer with some comp's and some other goodies. I think i count so I'm gonna list.
  14. the new plugs do have the same reach and heat rating that the manufacturer calls for right?
  15. i think he is who im gonna go with. i havent had the chance to call yet though. whens the best time to?
  16. cool, thanks everyone for all your input this thread started as an "is this good?" and turned into some good suggestions. Hell does anyone have any other good companies they wann throw up here lol?
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