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Status Updates posted by Autruche

  1. Took my cousin to a new years party and I think he got laid, lol. Can't say I never did anything for him!

  2. TPi440 saves the day again.

  3. Building a box for a friend, but screw standing out in the cold garage all night to do it. I'm building it in my living room.

    1. blownengine


      In the winter I cut the pieces in the garage and assemble in the basement. Like a boss.

    2. Autruche


      Exactly what I'm doing, but I have no basement. If I had a basement I'd have my whole workshop down there.

    3. OrionStang


      I got sunburned today doing my box. Why the hell was it 82 degrees at the end of December?

  4. Just bought more power wire and more terminals. And I think I might start on my door panel and pillar build.

  5. Wouldn't you know it, short by one 0 guage terminal. I guess I'll pick one up when I'm done with my job interview. Then I'll show you guys something neat.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Autruche


      Dammit, stop rubbing it in.

    3. n8ball2013


      ive got 4,8, 1/0 and a few 4/0 hows that

    4. BassJunkie


      I hate when this happens! Usually is caused by me effing one up by accident.

  6. Standing 20 feet away from my car with the windows down, you can still feel it hitting you in the chest and moving your hair. that's on less than half power, time to get the second alt in there and open my sundown up.

    1. n8ball2013


      how many stock interior panels do you have left? cant be many!

    2. Autruche


      I've only broken one of my A-pillar panels and my radar detector so far.

  7. I think I might start a build log of my temporary system this weekend.

  8. Going to be trying to get my dual alternator bracket done up this weekend.

  9. Might be doing a blowthrough for a friend... Any good places online to get an acordion boot?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Autruche


      I said a good place.

    3. ineeDBass419


      lol thats the cheapest i found.15 feet for 70ish.everything else was $6-9 a foot

    4. Autruche


      I don't do cheap, I believe in getting what you pay for. I know a there are more than a few guys on here with blowthroughs, so hopefully they'll chime in.

  10. My life is just a long and complicated drinking game.

  11. Just a couple months to go before I have spending money again. Then the Saab gets a new motor and I can start buying audioz again.

  12. AQ earbuds are really disappointing. There isn't shit for bass below 40Hz.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. blownengine


      Thats why I use my truck for bass. No way I am ever dropping 150 on Beats or anything

    3. Autruche


      They came free with my friend's AQ2200 because of a delay, and he let me have them. So no complaints on price.

    4. E a r t h

      E a r t h

      have you heard the DD ones too?

  13. Scoped the wall socket today for shiggles. 122.7 volts at 59.97Hz. But it was clipping! WTF WPS?!

  14. Got the garage nearly spotless. That means it's time to put the smack down on some fiberglassing this weekend.

  15. The house has the faint smell of fiberglass resin. It's like I'm sleeping out in the garage. It's quite soothing.

  16. Looking into buying an engine stand. I'm sick of pussy-footing around with my Saab. Full motor rebuild over winter.

  17. zOMG! I was upgraded to Silver Membership for free! Thank you, Meade!

  18. Should have myself a second ride in a few months. Then I can make sure to take my time and do everything right with the Saab.

  19. Drinking beer and doing some box designs.

    1. blownengine


      I hope you dont wake up and look at the designs and say "What the hell was I thinking?" Haha

    2. blownengine


      I hope you dont wake up and look at the designs and say "What the hell was I thinking?" Haha

    3. Autruche


      I didn't drink that much beer, lol.

  20. I love my new box.

  21. Wow... I found out that E36 BMW 3-series headlights are a perfect fit in my car. Needless to say, do want.

  22. Got a start on my new door panels, and my pillars. Building a box for my MT this weekend. Slowly, but surely!

  23. Got my door grommets/wire looms made today. Fuckin tired though, I'll put some more time in tomorrow after I mow the lawn.

  24. What the hell is with all of the 4th orders lately? I mean, I have nothing against them, it's just that it seems like everyone and their grandma are making 4th orders...

    1. nCOMP1337


      cause they get loud, LOL

      i dunno myself, im more interested in a 6th order or t-line, but not as popular it seems

    2. cc_audio


      Back in the day, when errbody ran sealed. I'm sure some hater of change like you said "Hey, whats up with these ported boxes. It seems everyone and their sister is starting to run them." 4th orders are loud and are currently being perfected.

    3. Autruche


      I'm no hater on bandpasses bro, In fact I clearly said so already. It just seems odd that everyone is doing them now. I agree with Kynto though, I'm more interested in 6th orders.

  25. Might pick up a second job... Audio doesn't buy itself.

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