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Everything posted by bdog

  1. i have i feeling if they are not blocking your window you should be able to make this work just have patients
  2. for now your just going to have to adjust your ssf and no one can tell you how you next box will react but yes with the ldea port and volume u will have better cone control
  3. sundown audio e12,s 15, or DD 1500
  4. its all in the tuning to how must subs will perform in my experience the sundown sa is more punchy than the FI SSD but the SSD gets nasty way low. i dont have alot of experience with the others you listed
  5. to help us help you why dont you list a total amount you can spend on your car. because if you want to run 2500 plus rms you are going to need more batteries and upgraded alternator lots of 0 gauge = $$$ but if you want 2 fi ssd or sundown sa on 1200-1500 you could sneak away with just one extra batt in the trunk and the big three
  6. sundown might still have preorders on the saz-1500
  7. i would say fi would be the best made and best SQ but will cost alittle more the other two will be made in china but will still sound good and get loud
  8. port is in ideal range and im not getting any port noise so thats good . the thing is below 40hz everything shakes windows flap roof goes insane but you just cant hear the bass. so i think it must be either bad box desgin or too much box and roof flex causeing cancelation . Question could me putting the woofers too far in the corners of the box be hurting me?
  9. Well it's not the tuning I just made a 30hz port for it and didn't make much of a difference if any . Could it be box flex and roof flex ?
  10. i took apart this old PG amp way back and when i peeled off the blue plastic from the board it revealed gold plating everywhere
  11. and yes your torries is bang on what i did
  12. no bracing yet but im glassing in a 2x4 dead center top to bottom . its running a saz-2500 on 4 sa-15's and yes it feels like im tuned to 40ish because 45ish is the loudest and most intense and the vehicles RF is 41
  13. bass between to freq is hollow u can feel it but you can not hear it
  14. im getting alot of cancelation between 32-40 hrz any ideas that wont make the port longer than 18 inchs box is 22.75h 48w 34d port is 14x14x16.5L 15.7 before woofer displacement current tune is 35hrz Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  15. they will blow the kicker out of the water "if done right" in spl and sq
  16. obsidian audio, fi car audio and AQ are direct sales companies where u will normally get a better value for your money
  17. with 4 gauge your going to be in the 1200 watt area so for that i would pick obsidian 18 or FI SSD or FI Q 18 and maybe a aq1200 or dc 1.2k or just something along those lines its really your preference
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