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Everything posted by woodzyspl

  1. could you buy a charger that runs from the 16v bank with your alts charging 16volt, to charge 1 or 2 12v batts for mids/highs and car? im doing opposite lol charging my 8v batts (wired 16v) off charger to 16volt altho floats at 18.5v and only drops to 17.5 or so off dc 9k..maybe only 40 amps but that enough in the lanes for a burp or 3..
  2. and..the price of sub LOL dayuumm.. can't you ship by like..sea or something? for that price might aswell fly there get a cab pick it up back and fly home shit lol
  3. fark i should of baught one of them put it in a 6th order off the 9k
  4. well im waiting for my dd-1 so my gains are biggest reason. lol altho no sub right now working on recone. as for music im hopeing someone can show us how to fix it if possible.
  5. i think he asking if it even possible. curious? unless he is a dick lol
  6. ren id grab the 9k on 16volts. the 12k seems like a beast but seems sensative lol like big strong girl. unless im missing something and not understanding how it handles power lol
  7. don't see why they couldn't make a larger step down? or you could use one and have bank of 14v batts lol
  8. i bought the 9k from cj. trust me dc is fucking WIN shit is awsome very good customer service and i can't wait to buy more. shipping is a bitch but youd pay for it with what ever sub you get from usa lol. but. lets say the jl is better or the re just slightly to your likeing. dc has the best customer service iv seen they always reply asap and always look after me with all options. and you always can send pm to the owner of the company for any questions nobody else can answer (altho cj always found what i wanted to know) plus im not 100% but if you were to blow the sub either bad music clipping or bottom out recones are cheap compared to jl ect. i wont say just buy dc as fi or aa im sure would be up to standard. but iv had GREAT luck and service with dc and i will support them all i can anyone say nut huger ima hit you EDIT dunno if fit budget damm shipping. but the dc 1.2k (if i remembr right) with level 4 15? if not set on 12's could slam right.
  9. i think the us amps bonecrusher is 24v but i think comps wont let you burp that high. amps that take 16v would be dc (mine the 9k at 16volt is sick) as for me im chargeing 2 8volt batts to 16volts for burps. i float at 17v higher volts=win wouldn't mind 2nd alt to run 16v tho.
  10. no no sydney and yes cheaper haha naa go for it man i got some fusion powerplants extremely cheap other day. misses would kill me.
  11. how can i get one for aus getting mine sent on monday shirt and hoody. now want one these 2 lol
  12. dayum 2 weeks for aussies? gonna be a long long wait. hope i got a signed one lol if not ima have take it with me when i go over there one day..
  13. ehh we clamped 3 diffrent 2600d's no volt drop below 14v and they put out1500rms..
  14. why don't we..smd members donate money to a paypal of a trusted member (im thinking ray? dunno why lol) and they use our money to buy the mdf oak ect.. obvious wouldn't have donate heeps cash just small amount even few $$
  15. nothing wrong with 30min to an hour just being carefull is there?
  16. i play half volume for a day..then pump that shit lol..last sub i just burped straight off did alright. but i always tell my friends to play low for a day..next few days play half way then 3/4 for a day..then turn that shit up. but they not sure how set gains and clip the shit out their subs. but they seem to last
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