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Everything posted by techforce

  1. They have D2's on the site... so never mind... But test it with a DMM...
  2. good point.. 4 12's of one amp is either 2 ohm or .5 ohm... I don't think they make a D2 CVR???
  3. And you are SURE that all connections are secure? Does it have a protection light and does it come on?
  4. can u pull the drive and scan it with antimalware from malware bytes from another box?
  5. I am afraid of super thin boxes... afraid I will break them... The Macbook air looks bad ass... but imo not worth the money...
  6. Also, as for the room... is it warmer WITHOUT the computer on as well? I had a heat issue in my office and I found that more fans in the case and air circulating in the room helped alot... I think u got 2 issues, the pc isnt running that effiecent and the room probably has poor air return or circulation...
  7. more air flow in case along with make sure computer will throttle down when not active.... ie cool n' quiet... alot of times a power supply can pump out alot of heat as well... getting a larger power supply for it doesn't have to work so hard would help... between the psu and cooling fans you can keep the machine running pretty cool and would be easy to install versus water cooling just for a HTPC... Think of it as an oven, the oven would not get as hot if you left the door open, so the less air flow you have in the case the more heat EVERYTHING generates.
  8. Can you use a web page based proxy? Or does it have to be entered into the proxy settings in IE?
  9. I cannot believe that I didn't realize that was skittles! LMAO! (Even tho his name on the shirt said "Skittles" and he was eating skittles!) Sorry skit!
  10. Pretty decent price... can't argue with that! Get the other one fixed for a spare!
  11. Welcome to the "Blown Amp" club... Me, I am the president... (long story) lol! I am having the same problem with a bunch of my amps going out...
  12. Oh.. I'm not... if he gets a tude with me... I will drive to Sac and kick him in his dam uterous! LOL!
  13. Cause daddy Meade gets cranky if you mess with his threads... (I found that out the hard way... I am still recovering from the ass chewing I got for the last post of his I accidently deleted) LOL!
  14. bring a thumb drive with you this weekend... I will hook u up with some software for that...
  15. I will bring it with me skittles... worth a shot.... even if I got to dump a couple hundred
  16. I always try to run 300's cause a dead short will cause any fuse to pop, so why not have less current resistance... something iraggi had preached to me while spending time at his shop...
  17. PSU was my take on it also... good breakdown bro!
  18. low voltage and running too small of fuses for the comps... at least get a battery back there... fuck the bullship burp box rules and try to run your amp with a 20 amp fuse... that fuse popping is a sign of a strain on the entire system, the fuse, cant pass enough power to the amp and the amp suffers... II will run 300 or 200 or none
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