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Status Updates posted by gally

  1. today WAS a big and a kind of a horribly hard day...BUT...i got me a new car...so im gonna get it on friday.......-----cant wait

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Keith77


      Its an Ople Right?

    3. Jessica


      way to be vague

    4. gally


      yes...the latest Corsa...looks nice and it drives really smooth..

      I also plan on getting some new(old) equipement to brighten up the audio stuff...because stock sounds like shit..

      for now...the car...later radio and amp and so on

  2. Fuck it..im getting me either a 3 door or a SW

    1. boom50cal


      station wagon? Wagon's are the bees knees. Love them now, like the new V60 T6 AWD!

    2. RCP Audio

      RCP Audio

      heck yeah! my old man just picked up a xf sportbrake. that thing is mint!

    3. gally


      i hear that they are good for bass, and have plenty of space...

  3. So there is been a SlIGHT change in car buy time...so the dealer decided that they for some reason would not take my current car in(dont know either why), aand i need to look for som other car(S)...so would be better a 3door car so i could wall it in the future OR get me a station wagoon??

  4. ok....in about a month im going to pick up my new car...so in the meantime i bought another pioneer DEH 8400BT on some car audio sale...anyway it was 70% off, so i took it...also saw some other audio stuff...its tempting

    1. thefourth


      70% off? Where is this?

    2. gally


      its a store called Beps in italy

  5. ii need the damn new car now!

  6. Sony CDX GT740UI OR Alpine CDA 9886R OR Pioneer 8400BT????..........looking in bettween the three but do not know which one to chose...

    1. gally


      i know but im choosing in bettween of those three...im leanin more for Sony but i dont know about pioneer

  7. gott a call froma cars dealership...they told me that the car will arive 3weeks from now...hell yeah.....other thing got A trade for a dragster dwq 256sub

  8. cant view my topic anymore...why??

  9. so my dad says that when i get the new car i would not get audio things in it..i say ok...but the first day he is not seeing me ill put everything in...new deck, amp and alll that...aint no living without bass

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. thefourth


      Sounds like it's time to move out

    3. Jessica


      if i was your dad i would bend you over my knee and spank you.

    4. Krakin


      ^ lol

      Throw a playboy at him.

  10. i need a new car

    1. OrionStang


      I thought you posted earlier that you bought one.

    2. n1ghtsn1p3r


      Maybe he's just venting frustration that he doesn't have it yet

    3. gally


      nah...i canceled the order

  11. ORDERED....3door 2014 Opel Corsa..

  12. Got me anotheR M1b

    1. OrionStang


      You need to quit buyin shit and get a new car LOL

    2. gally


      was only 180€

  13. got me another M!b...

  14. its decided...3door but 1.2 OR 1.4 not sure yet...which one..

  15. ok...diesel or petrol? which one? chosing bettween the 1.4 petrol and a 1.3 diesel Corsa D(14)..or 2.2 diesel accord(04)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. boom50cal


      pigmy hippo.

      in all honestly, I saw small displacement turbo diesel is the way to go. fuck I'll sell you my 6.0l turbo diesel F-250 :)

    3. gally


      dont know man...i would pick the corsa which is 3door, so i could wall it then

  16. OOOOOOKK....car failed me once again today...got to change it as soon as possible...

    1. CstrokerV


      mine just snapped part of the fuel pump.. every time i went to drive it i had a waterfall of gass flowing off my tank lol

  17. OK its settled.....IM GETTING ME A damn NEW CAR

  18. bought me a quad...and then the stupid car fails me on a half way home...

  19. yesterday got me 2 subs for cheap andf there are brand new....it was on some sale thing at a local discount shop....160 for 2 brand new GZ subs...love em

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