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Status Updates posted by gally

  1. Bought me a 4wheeler for birthday....so much fun

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rockFord_Expedition


      Damn what was I thinking. A Prius, duh.

    3. gally


      not really ....got me a arctic cat 450

  2. Bought me a C-MARK MT5500-Pro

  3. bought me a quad...and then the stupid car fails me on a half way home...

  4. bought me a set of Cadence QRS6K2 components---need to install them

  5. box built and for a difference a spray paint...turned out pretty cool

  6. box completed..now lets choose which one should i get..the yellow, the black, blue...need to chose one of em

  7. box completed

  8. breakin in...yeah right....ive banged the shit out of the GZ sub and it still bangs..

  9. build a new boxx...found out that gets LOOW somehow to about 25hz...sounds awesome...and up to 36...other than that....love it

    1. Kyblack76


      shrink vol or open the vent

    2. gally


      how??i just want to leave it like that...its a slot port..and the sub is inverted..

    3. gally


      oh yeah also the box was downsized by around 20 liters which made it sound better

  10. build log is set...pics are set...now how do i upload some videos wihtout youtube...oh an some pics of car is oming

  11. build log is set..now i only need some vids and a test video of the finished box for the radioactive spl sub

  12. building a sealed box for now...want to try it sealed..but...with -8 on night to -2 at day it seems too cold to work...shit..i+going to OBI tomorrow to get me the wood parts..they cut the wood straight there...which is kinda cool..

  13. Buying a new 12 incher, one box is built but another is being planed to get it built..other than that looking at DD 712 or GZRW 12 X-SPL

  14. buying a new sub..12 to be precise..also in a build plan for a Slot ported box for the 12..dunno yet

  15. buying me a Corsa diesel..dont know which one yet

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. _paralyzed_


      He flip flops more than a politician. Tomorrow he'll be buying a 4 wheeler.

    3. gally


      already bought me a raptor 350..used tho

    4. OrionStang
  16. bye bye SMD forum folks...i go sleep...on my sheep...i mean bed

  17. calling the man who would sell me the sub...no answer in the whole morning...

    1. waitwhat


      i hate when people just stop texting/calling you when you are about to make a sell or buy something

    2. gally


      i know what you mean..yesterday i goz pics of the sub and evrything ready to bu it...aand today the price odf the sub was doubled

  18. can a 9515 get low??? like playing lower notes like 26, 28hz OR are they made just for normal listening or higher frequencies...just asking

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gally


      like for normal plaing for lows...or it isnt made for that at all

    3. ToNasty
    4. Kyblack76
  19. can anyone tell me what is up with KOVE audio? people over here are selling their subs, and promoting stuff..are kove back in buissness??

  20. cant view my topic anymore...why??

  21. Choosin between a Ground Zero RW 30XSPL and an DD REdline 712..and some other ones like a Dragster audio DWZ 120 is in the game, and maybe the new Nuclear 12XSPL,,,just dont know it yet..if it would be the first 2 then there is gonna be a pair in the future maybe

  22. Choosin between a Ground Zero RW 30XSPL and an DD REdline 712..and some other ones like a Dragster audio DWZ 120 is in the game

  23. choosing bettween a sedan a hatchback or a minivan...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Amart88
    3. OrionStang



      Do you read this guys updates every day?

    4. gally


      actually u found some cars that i like..though they do have some flaws that need to be dealt with..

  24. clap clap clap...for my money

  25. DD 9515....YES or NO?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gally


      so the guy who was selling them said that he sold em all...but then again he still had about 8 to 10 pieces in the back....he told me to fuck off his proprety.

    3. gally


      fuck that nigga

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