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Status Updates posted by Cardboardcat15

  1. Having my SP4s up for sale on CL reminds me why I hate selling on craigslist so much. People don't know how to read.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pasta Prime

      Pasta Prime

      yo man I got some keekers that will blow all your windows out. Trade? Or I also have a goat i could throw in.

    3. Ahmed Johnson
  2. Things will be up for sale very soon.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Miguels


      how much.. i might be able to meet up next weekend

    3. Cardboardcat15


      300 for the D3100. Sits at 12.69v at the moment.

  3. Fact: Pulp Fiction would have been a horrible movie if Brett had bought an in n out shake instead of a sprite.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Azagtoth502


      Jules, if you give that fuckin' nimrod fifteen hundred dollars, I'm gonna shoot him on general principle

    3. Kyblack76


      Whos chopper is this? Zeds. Whos Zed? Zeds dead baby..... Zeds dead ........

      Also, what do you guys think is in the breif case? There is a reflection of "yellow" when Vincent opens it. Like gold bars, but..... id like to know.

    4. Jessica
  4. To start a build log, to not start a build log. That is the Question.

  5. Gonna stickerbomb the inside of my 4th order. I think it'll look pretty dope.

    1. boom50cal


      was thinking of doing the same thing. With a huge ass sticker of adam's face as the center piece on the loading wall.

    2. Bship


      would look good I think, plus it would be funny when one comes loose and slaps you in the face riding down the road.

  6. So close I can almost smell it...

  7. Hey man, you going to Sunday's Redlands show?

  8. Need to get to work!

  9. I need a new avatar GIF. give me suggestions

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