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Everything posted by Slinky

  1. what is this program? i see so many people use it to benchmark their games but i dont know what its called.
  2. that is one sexy rig. only thing i woulda done differently is a gtx 295 instead of 2 gtx 280's
  3. plus, you cant compare ocz to vr3. ocz is a fairly solid brand from what ive seen/used.
  4. yes corsair is nice, but it was about 60 bucks more than the ocz ram i bought. f that
  5. amen to this. im scared about my ram now. this is mine http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16820227388
  6. ha. yeah, i guess i CAN get money, i just like computers more than systems.
  7. so, i sold my ps3 today and will be getting paid about 550 bucks this week so at the end of the week ill be ordering these babies. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814130492 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16819115202 after i order these, my rig will be done. (besides a blu ray drive ill be buying and maybe a fan controller) ill be in colorado all next week so ill have to wait until 2 weeks to test it out/benchmark the fuck out of it.
  8. ok, right now i have a shitty phone through att and i have unlimited messaging. my question is, if i buy an iphone and jailbreak it, or just buy a jailbroken one from ebay, will i be able to use things like txting and multimedia messages and internet?
  9. id say the 850 watt should be fine. if you have the money for a 1000 watter id go with that though.
  10. id say that sounds like a fairly solid laptop. if the price is right, id go for that one
  11. of the two i would get the sony. what video card is in it?
  12. i received my very first overdraft charges today. FUCK THAT!
  13. thanks herrie! yeah that black does look good, but im not gonna do anything that crazy. i do wanna check out those fans though as i would love to have that speed controler in the front drive bay.
  14. aight. i just ordered this bad boy. sound is extremely important to me. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16829271001
  15. couple of these? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16835200050 i dunno if i want to do this because my front lcd screen is blue
  16. you know, when i bought it i thought it was gonna be in red because the pics were red but the fuckers gave me blue lights. i might order red led fans if i feel like it.
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