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Everything posted by Dale

  1. A good way of building credit is to get a secured credit card. A secured credit card requires you to have the money in the bank rather than no money like a traditional credit card. Also, having some sort of collateral helps...namely, a fat savings account, property etc.
  2. A bit of advice. You will have much better luck selling the computer by parts, rather than as a whole.
  3. #1. Make sure the installer file is not corrupted. (Download it again from scratch) #2. Make sure the installer file is FOR windows vista.
  4. I wouldn't recommend that. It's always best to go straight to the manufacturers website. Trust me
  5. You do know that magnets are bad for hard drives right?
  6. The U.S. law system was designed for women and children. Not men. I say that every day.
  7. i can't vouch for the subs because i have never owned one. but i have the 3000D amp that they make and it's an exceptional amp. that has to count for something! I have no doubt in my mind that they make excellent subs as well.
  8. now you know you just HAVE to post a flex vid right? You can't just post this sweet excursion vid and walk away....we will find you...and you will pay. And yes, there will be blood...
  9. its asking you to join photobucket....you need to post the video link itself
  10. She is hot as hell. OHHH yeah, that's an excellent vid dude. Excellent! Do you have any more?
  11. you got some pretty good flex there man. i don't know what to tell you about that window, though. rattles real bad
  12. with my 45s I just use wood glue and brads to keep it in place. Then caulk to seal it off nicely i don't think it will be necessary for you to use caulk before the resin since the resin will seal your corners for you anyway
  13. if it's a graduation gift, then you really can't go wrong
  14. those look nice. put them to good use!
  15. for some odd reason i expected more flex. don't know why anyway, the box looks really good. looks well built
  16. he didn't scream in pain or anything but i know he died a little inside. lol
  17. If you have a router, try using the connection straight from the modem. I've had experiences with routers that just wont work with certain modems. Other than that, it sounds like a line issue
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