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Status Replies posted by SnowDrifter

  1. You know what would be cool? Fuel cells and super caps instead of batteries. But FUUUU fuel cells are some EXPENSIVE sucekrs

  2. You know what would be cool? Fuel cells and super caps instead of batteries. But FUUUU fuel cells are some EXPENSIVE sucekrs

  3. 2002 denali xl, 6.0L, 121k miles, asking price is $7,900.....going to go check it out tomorrow. What would be a reasonable price to request without low-balling?

  4. with enough horsepower and torque anything can be quick

  5. with enough horsepower and torque anything can be quick

  6. S X 2 over S +2 is just S over 2 right?

  7. ive tracked the mighty Cecil to a couch in the living room. can't tell if she's bled out our catching her 2nd wind. i will approach with caution

  8. my wife just put on leopard print panties, but she's on the rag. i called her Cecil the lion and i was gonna track her for 40 hours and finish her off. she was not amused

  9. WTF UPS charging for will call pickup now?

  10. More and more ORG's NOT letting a brazillan board play, in the power classes.......

  11. that "FUCK" moment when I realized I forgot to run the ground when everything was already put together.

  12. getting discharged in the next hour. was kept over for observation. can't wait to get home

  13. Just got back from the colonoscopy. Everything looks fine. Pretty happy right now.

  14. GN everyone, next time i post I'll be half the man i used to be!! lol

  15. wtf.... im stressing about this surgery big time! so unlike me. it's the fucking anesthesia part, i don't know why I'm trippin. now i can't sleep

  16. two days till surgery

  17. im a NOOB how does this work???

  18. Soo, when the bass hits, my brake pedal moves and activates my brake lights. Any idea how to stop it lol

  19. Did dry ice bombs since fireworks are a nono this year

  20. 40 pounds of thermite should hopefully last the weekend

  21. Not having ac or windows that go down in Florida is a bit of a bitch

  22. RIP Grandpa. Miss you already

  23. Fi's new site? What the actual fuck...

  24. A good banging system (On a budget)

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