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07sOnAtA sp.ed

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Everything posted by 07sOnAtA sp.ed

  1. damn, that ruff man. I thought most schools had only 1 week of finals... dno't mind my ignorance. gl man thats the kind of final i want. I love lifting. hope you do well on it man.
  2. as the topic says, two finals down, one more to go. this finals week for anyone else?
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  5. damn, thats a nice set-up. what kind of car?
  6. exactly what i was thinking. good thing that other guy had a back-up plan.
  7. damn... thats kinda impressive. so i take it you were there?
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  9. nice vid. what did that guy have in his car that did a 160?
  10. yeah i know...in the second vid that kid checking out the amps w/ the girl is tall as fuck... any1 know the name of that song he plays in both vids? it like a laid back song... well instrumental he plays it at the end of the 1st one, and all the 2nd 1
  11. yeah man as bad as this does suck, the damage could be worse. sorry its a new car too... probably some asshole w/ some friends looking for something to do... saw ur car, was alil jealous and boom... how much u lookin at to get fixed?
  12. wind shield wipers and car lights controls EDIT: no but seriously im looking on google right now, but i cant find.
  13. if you want an outside opinion, id say tune low man. low's are the way to go
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