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Everything posted by tejcurrent

  1. I'm about to go buy a streetbike tomarrow. 2005 "primo", 70mpg 200cc. Not much, but I've got the tahoe for 'ballin' Just did the math on it- I drive about 300 miles a week just getting to and from my one job- and I work several. I can go from $85 just to get to my main job to $13
  2. I know my gas is costing 600 or more a month. I did the math and buying a motorcycle will save 400 a month if I drive my tahoe just when I need it and weekends.
  3. http://www.rockfordfosgate.com/rftech/woof...mp;woofer_imp=4 3 12s per kicker 2500 with dual4ohm coils would get you around 2.6ohm load. I'd put that on a 2500. If you got dual 2s you could get 1.3 ohm load if you used a different amp. I'd go with the six. If you're going to go big anyway why not 3 2500s so you can get a nice final load out of six subs?
  4. Hey man, just give me a call. My wifes father manages a hotel and could probably get you a pretty good rate. They'd at least let you stay. Just let me know.
  5. goose>smirnoff>absolut>all. I love me some good vodka! I normally just get the smirnoff 100prf because it goes so fast anyway, and I'm a cheap bastid Went on a cruise and they had 3 liter bottles of crown for $60, I was like
  6. Cool guys, thanks. I'm waiting for the spools of wire to see if that is it for sure. I will be more than doubling what I have in there now, and then shortly after 2 runs per amp/alt. I'll update then I guess, thanks for all the input.
  7. Honestly yes- spl is boring to most people. GPs are more fun imo- you can actually give a good demo on some music. 150+db at <30hz is so much more impressive to people than 70hz. *edit- don't get me wrong, there's a ton of fun in experimenting and trying time and time again to get it right- that's part of the game and the 'working towards a goal'. It's just more fun to play music on something for me. ie bassrace.
  8. Okay, roll call and special requests for food and beverages? Just need to know how much to have.
  9. Yeah, I'm waiting on wire to add more runs of 1/0. I ordered a 50ft roll of kicker 1/0, so end of next week I'll have another 3-4 runs. Another few weeks I'll probably finish with 8 runs + and 4 runs -. Even still, I've had a 1v difference before, but 2+ volts doesn't make sense to me. I expected some drop, but with the wire not popping a 250a fuse I dont see how it could be reaching its 300a 'capacity'. I'm going to do a few more tests and see if I can't get this solved. My amps are grounded to the batteries in back, which are then grounded to the frame/chassis. They are all connected, and then all run to an aluminum grounding buss bar. The bus bar is grounded to the frame/chassis a few times, and then grounded to the front battery. This was at around 1500-2000rpms, with 1 factory 130a alternator and 3 380a iraggi alternators. Thanks for the help guys- I'm hoping the wire will help it just doesn't seem like that's it for some reason though.
  10. Ok, I have a multiple alternator setup and MLA module up front, along with an optima red top. In the back I have 4 optima yellow tops. Big 3 is done, and all wiring is 1/0. I have 2 runs of 1/0 from the front to back, and 1 run of 1/0 ground. All connections are attatched well. On a burp at the front of the car the voltage is 14.5ish, but in back it drops to 12.5 at the amp. I've checked all my batts too see if something is wrong with them and they rest at 12.8. What else could it be? I already ordered another roll of 1/0 and I'll be putting more in next week hopefully, but even that shouldn't make a 2v difference should it? Thanks
  11. RIP To all our our loved ones. I pass my fathers grave twice a day, I feel you bro. I can't take a pic- and I'm so sick I'll toast some juice till my stomache can hold the good stuff this weekend. Congrats on the anniversary too!
  12. Sounds great. I'd love to have this thing cranked up fully by this weekend, or especially for the comp, but I have to work 9-1 the next two saturdays, so I don't think I'll be able to get there in time
  13. I'll still be here unless there's a comp nearby, I don't know if everyone else will be here though. Where are you comming from?
  14. That sucks you have to work. You guys want to meet up around 6? Anyone else headed to MB you're welcome to some hamburgers, hot dogs and ribs off the grill I hate to say BYOB, but I'll have 'drinks'. I just don't really drink beer. I swear I'm going to make copies of your drivers licenses incase shits missing. J/p... *edit: I had to LOL reading back over how paranoid that sounded, even as a joke.
  15. DWB! That sucks dude, glad you didn't get hauled in or anything.
  16. They're wings if they're the stupid ugly ricey ones. They're spoilers if they're stock looking. I've used that as general reference for about 10 years I guess.
  17. A tap and die set: Heres one from sears. http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_0...20070921x00003a That will let you re-thread things, inside and out (bolts/nuts) even if you have to go the next size up in screw at least you could get a new screw to fit. Great if you do any engine/car work. Some places may do it for you for a reasonable price- but you could probably still buy a set and do it yourself and save some money. *edit: you might want to check for a metric set, or one that has both
  18. Can't wait Would you just be coming on a day trip, or spending the night? I can probably hook you up with like $30-40 hotel nights depending on the day. Maybe sunday since I work during the week? My wife wants to go buy a car tonight, so if she does it means I'll be ripping her setup out asap...
  19. 45-50 at one job a week, another 10 at another, then whatever random work I can get. Then work on my house (fixer upper). Probably between 60-70 average.
  20. Derrick, that's exactly what we were talking about. We could either meet up somewhere or meet at my house for some food on the grill- then a quick mile down the road theres a shop we can ghetto-blast all day I've got to hear your bros X
  21. It used to bother me, but I hang out at audio shops pretty often and I'm pretty used to it. Everyone thinks their stuff is the best thing since slicd bread. Just have to humor people some times, and offer them a demo of yours after they've basked in their glory a while
  22. Reminds me of office space in the middle there lol... Ah, the day when I can do this...
  23. Thanks for the nomination! I'll see if I can't get some good 'final product' vids up soon. *edit- Thanks from the wife http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o7/alpi...nators/mla6.jpg
  24. That dude stole a pic of my alts!!! Look at this one: http://www.carstereo.com/installs/photo_ga...&maxrows=12 Then look at my build pics: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/ind...8415&st=300 That's my shit http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/mad.gif *Sorry, just realized you guys commented on it (I didn't read the 2nd page). Yeah, that's my build. Damn, I don't know why he didn't just stick to meades since his is so much cleaner lol. Not saying he should do that either but he stole pics from a lot of different people there.
  25. I live here I'll be here bro, be great to meet some other people from the SMD.
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