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Everything posted by tejcurrent

  1. No joke I was looking at a rollpan on an expedition today and thinking- man that looks nice, but I bet thats a pain if rearended or backing into a trailer. Sorry that happened bro, bad timing too- that's how it always happens. Hope he mans up and pays w/out problems. Best luck.
  2. I'm so sorry to hear about this. Best wishes to you and your family, and best luck for a speedy recovery. You will be in my prayers.
  3. That's really funny. My dad would always mess with the telemarketers like that. I remember one woman called trying to sell life insurance, and he put her on speaker phone. (He was sick with cancer in bed, no where to go, bored). He talked to that woman for over AN HOUR! He was telling her all the things wrong with him (cancer, heart problems, kidneys, etc) and asking what kind of policy he could get. Where she lived, how the weather was, if she had kids lol. ^^ That's a really funny clip though.
  4. Thanks for all your support- everyone. I can remember (as cynical as I can be sometimes) not liking hearing "sorry for your loss", but when you're in a time like this, hearing it with sincerity from you guys is such a big help. All I can say is thank you so much. I've been so busy at my folks trying to help my mom, and getting raped by the funeral home and cemetary I haven't been online today. 2k for a basic casket, and a grand total of over 10,000 dollars. the only casket they had cheaper was 1200, and it looks like someone threw it together, coated it with filler primer from a can, and slapped a shed lock on the front. They really know how to wrench every dollar from people when they're at their most vulnerable and emotional state. Funeral is at 2pm Thu, viewing 6-8 wed night. My bro and I are fine, just trying to help my mom through these next few tough days. No matter how prepared you think you are, it's just not as I imagined. Thank so so much for everything guys. It means the world.
  5. Babies. Mainly little girls screaming about stupid stuff- that really high pitch noise. The really high pitch noise from tvs- new or old most make a super high-pitch noise that drives me crazy. (I guess that's like the CRT monitors people are talking about). The TV wall in CCity, or walmart is rediculous. Any kind of rattle in my car while I'm driving. The little metal clips that hold a panel in the rear of my vehicle are squeaky somewhere. Gawdayum!
  6. I hope this is in the right place, I wasn't sure where to post and honestly I don't feel up to trying to figure it out. As some of you know my dad has been sick for a while now, he's been fighting cancer and heart problems for 7-8 years plus. Yesterday I visited him after not having time the past day or two, and he was really bad. My mom/brother and I tried to get him in a wheel chair and he was just too weak. I could tell by his sunken in eyes and trembling hands he didn't have long- but I thought at least another few days for me to be with him. I left him at 6pm, he was too sick and morphined up to have a conversation, his speach has been barely a whisper all week. Well at 2:00 am (here on the east coast) I got the call from my brother that he died. I was there by 2:15, waited for hospice to pronounce him, and the funeral home picked him up around 4:00. It's about 5 now, and obviously I can't sleep. I don't have anything great to say, and my wife is very supportive, I just wanted to pay him some respects in about the only way I know how- and get any help I can from you guys here at the SMD. Thanks a lot. R.I.P. Dec 7 1937- Feb 25 2008.
  7. I'm really having problems removing the starter. I've got the bolts out and the thing loose, but it won't come out far enough for me to drop it down. I can't see anything stopping it, but any advice would be great. Thanks guys.
  8. There is a sticky saying why not to mix brands. Also that is a bit steep for the price, you could get 4 18s with 1krms+ each for that price (New). I'm not knocking what you're getting, I'm just saying it pays to shop around a bit..
  9. DDDdddaaamn! I think I spent around 2-300 between a pair of airforces and a few shirts/jeans. Then again all my clothes are getting faded lol. We actually put shoes and clothes in our closet. a few memphis 4ks, an old alpine 4 channel (I think 150rms), an old powered crossover, and an american pro 2000 (about 500-600rmsx2).
  10. Nicely done. I'm just wondering, the black corners- is that for something? I just didn't know if that was something other than paint or if the corner would be visible after it was carpeted? Anyway, looking nice.
  11. I like good dark chocolate much better than milk chocolate. There are a few 'gormet' candy places that have good stuff. The Canipes I used to go to actually had the good dark chocolate, probably not from germany or anything but not bitter like some. They sell candy by the 1/4lb, I paid 7 bucks for 4 truffles there- and they were worth every penny. <- Looking back on that I'm such a fatty lol.
  12. Good luck- Great opportunity, espcially at 18. I've owned ford and Chevy, and growing up my dad always had ford vans. I'll have to say unless I feel like buying a car thats going to need tons of work all the time and is hard as hell to work on I'll never buy a ford again
  13. Yeah, I must say by the time you use the 60ish woofers it would take to get the impedance that low (figuring dual 1ohm coils) you'd get about 16 watts per speaker?
  14. Gdamn dude- that's aweful. I'd sue them for whatever you could get. I can't see how you could NOT get reimbursed 100%, that's simply crazy. Also for the guy to have a ticket for speeding, and the shop owner not to reimburse you shows he has poor poor character and business practices. It wasn't the employees car to enjoy, regardless of the work he put in it. Also any shop that puts 500 miles on your car working on it is dirty imo. You should post the shops info (phone and adress) so people know who not to go to, and who to call to cuss out. If you post info I'll be sure to let the guy know I'll never be going to or refering him (I live in SC, so it's not that far away). That's really disgusting, I hope it works out for the best.
  15. Yeah, I feel you man. I don't really connect well with most of the people I used to hang out with. Really my wife and my brother all the only people I've Done anything with in about 2 weeks or more now. When I'm not with my wife or working I'm trying to spend time with my dad because they don't know that he'll last the month Anyway, it gets better or you get used to it, either way it'll work out.
  16. I'm between 14.5-15. I just bought a bench set and worked out this last week probably, but that's like 100lb reps and 30lb curls, not really bulking up. I'll probably start working on that, but I'm really trying to get some definition. Last time I lifted weights before that was about 5 years ago . I do a lot of work though, and strangly while me and my bro don't have a ton of obvious muscle (he's so skinny anything he has looks defined, just not 'big'), we can outwork/carry most of the people we work with.
  17. I'd rather go to jail than end up a puss beat up and my wife and (and in the not-too-distant future) kids beat up, raped or killed; I'd rather kill them. A lot of people around here argue the death penalty, but raping someone is def. worth getting shot right in the face. Stealing a mans stuff as well. Hell, you step foot on my property after midnight and unless I can see it's family you're going down. They say you can't shoot unless the guy has a wepon coming after you, but if the guys coming after me he could take mine, and how the hell do I know what he has? The law sucks for that. *edit- I hope the lawyer who helped that guy get a a mil after falling through the skylight knows he's going to hell.
  18. What about cutting a hole in the bottom of the popcorn and holding it in your lap? That's a good conversation starter for next week Honestly just do what comes natural, sounds like you guys have known eachother long enough to be comfortable- no reason to sweat it. Glad things went good.
  19. I was editing what I said as you posted, but I said, "They'll handle the power regardless if you do it right" That obviously means setting things so they aren't clipping.
  20. Mine handle memphis 4ks fine- they are loaded but not 'special'. I've heard of people with IA 40.1s on each- A loaded BTL will handle the power fine if you do it right. You shouldn't use your bass boost. I'd make sure your input level is set properly.
  21. Thats a nice idea, Id love to have seen a "Guy tried to steal my shit and bled out on the side of my car- damn I need to go through a wash" thread, but chances are if ANYONE, even a passenger gets hurt- hell the guy changing your oil- you could get in some major trouble. Yank that stuff out quick. (without losing a finger )
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