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Everything posted by Sheena

  1. sister 18+ or mom will do as well.. thanks You might regret asking this one day LOL
  2. kranny posted a video last night of a dc alt hittin 250-300 degrees with a heat gun and it held 14.5 volt and its idle amperage.
  3. y u hatin. y u bant? i have something more elegant under my sleaves.. fuckin ninja sword SWASWASLASHSWASAWASAW.
  4. http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/52647-craigslist-fail/page__hl__craigslist
  5. board looks kind of stupid imo. i like the blue and white ones a lot better. plus this board doesnt have the 4.5ghz loophole for the Q9550.. so oh well.
  6. my uncle gave me this 500GB 7200rpm raid edition IDE drive. i couldnt turn it down honestly. yellow sata cables came with the mobo haha.
  7. dual slot video card is cuteeeeee!!! ;3;3 say hellur. to triple slot
  8. thats some super crazy shit.. good lord. bet those dudes hearts are near exploding.
  9. LOL brings a whole new meaning to texting ad driving.
  10. mechman has a video of their alt hitting 170 and his voice didnt sound stressed in the vid at all.. dc power rates their hot rating at 200F.. so i imagine that about 250+ is damaging. 300 is probably critical.. just guestimations. as everyone knows heat isnt good for electronics, but as long as some of these alts have lasted people in the hot hot hot weather, i'd say its fine. just look at all the people running their stock alts wide open for 2-3 years. H/O alt will easily last much longer just based on that.
  11. im a lil bitchy too.. my girlfriend fell asleep on the phone with me and some other issues with that whole thing goin on. so im like ready to blow a hole in the wall.
  12. alright my bad my mistake on reading. and wow they redid their website.. nice. sorry ddub. no hard feelings. (on my end)
  13. yes but Crescendo does not own SSA like you made it out to be.. is what im saying.. the SSA store is not "their site" the SSA store carries their brand however.
  14. the SSA store isnt exactly Crescendo's site.. its just an online vendor for their products. just clearing it up.
  15. oh and the q power subs, god damn dude.
  16. nah funky pups were so good they got retired. sony is the new top of the line stuff at wal-mart. wal-mart is gettin kicker too, so they will have some competition, but sony is still way better than kicker and all the other no name brands.
  17. dude ur shit is gunna slap so fukin hard. i bet u hit 250db and break your back window out and shit. u can get some good 8 gauge wire or 16 gauge wire from wal-mart to power your amp. also your going to need probably 5-6 boss 3 farad caps. (you can just wire those with 16 gauge) as far as quality goes, sony is TOP OF THE LINE. i got a buddy of mine that has 12 sony xplod 12,000w amps hooked up to a boss 2,000w/50,000w max sub and it pounds so hard. hes probably doin like 350db
  18. popped his fuckin collar for him.. ride makes takes you from a bitch to a MAN. lmao. that kid at the beginning couldnt grip that steering wheel harder, i promise.
  19. we can always add 2 more 5k.. yup i think ima roll with the lvl4s. uhhhh.. yeahhh... cant wait till this fuckin build log happensss...
  20. Coleman is a good man to deal with as well, tried ordering some power wire, Paypal didn't work from the site, emailed him, he responded immediately, and gave me a direct paypal order, and shipped the day after (it was Sunday) Though still gonna order 80 mill, my trunk is easy to rattle, even the stock system could rattle it, and my rear deck is pissing me off. REAR FUCKIN DECK. FUCKIN GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
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