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Everything posted by Emmet

  1. Are those fuses? Im guessing for changing impedence? Well thats pretty cool.
  2. Or maybe its just your not a 15 year old kid who puberty hit like a train.
  3. Why do you want to wire to .5? Why not just buy an amp that puts out more at 1 ohm in the first place?
  4. Damn, funny how people can turn out to be such little bitches when their parents seem alright, I know I learnt all my good values from my parents so wonder what went wrong with them.... Hope she's legit and you get it sorted man
  5. Not sure if anyones heard of these, I just heard about them today, pretty damn good
  6. Where's part 3 at Saw these in the other thread and I want more Skars gettin down.
  7. I'd fight with em. Here in MS if it sits on your property for 6mo after you put notice, its yours. I would say so too, I dont know about laws over in America but surely if you have proof of payment its up to the person you bought it off to transfer title?
  8. I never understand people who abuse animals... it has to be some mental disorder... scum should be put down. Major props for what you did man, its nice to see a good ending.
  9. How did you get the bike in the first place with no title?
  10. What a little cunt. Im gonna take his mom out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again.
  11. Get a george foreman too, some of the smaller ones are pretty inexpensive. I was amazed at the amount of grease they get out of food. Think you should have them in america... one of these
  12. I dunno... don't go too hard on the kid. He may have needed the money for his nipple enlargement surgery. Y'know how girls and their insecurities are.
  13. Oh shit. Im sure one of the admins will see this. You dont fuck people over and get away with it round here.
  14. Diggin it. Also LOL at 15k emails. You have my respect for dealing with that
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