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Status Updates posted by AnthonyDigiacomo

  1. At laurel gardens tire getting tires mounted on them gold thangs!

  2. Breaking bad = holy shit!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sergeant_Skyrim


      Seriously wtf. That's NO way to leave an episode!

    3. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      I'm watching right now.. :)

    4. Dwn4BassAlan


      god my mom wouldn't shut up about the end, "OH, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? HOW UN-REALISTIC! 1000'S OF BULLETS AND NOBODY GETS HIT?!?" lol yeah mom, thousands of bullets in 10 seconds of slow motion shooting. And to think a TV show would have an unrealistic scene in it? Unbelievable!

  3. Obama better get his speech on S.O.A is on at 10pm

  4. Remember back in the day when your girlfriend was in your passenger seat. She was your iPod with your 200 count cd case that was me and angela driving around yesterday :)

  5. Thank you all that have served and currently serving in all aspects of police and military. to make this country what it is.

  6. Time to go to bed and be on job site in 3 hrs

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